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Repository administrators can add a POST service to a repository. Stash POSTs to the service URL you specify.
You can use an URL with the following format:
The service receives a POST whenever the user pushes to the repository.
The content type header of the POST has an application/json
type. The content is a JSON payload that represents the repository push.
You can either set up the POST service manually or you can write a service to automate this. You would write a service if you are integrating an application with Stash.
When a user pushes to a repository, Stash POSTs to the URL you provided. The body of the POST request contains information about the repository where the change originated, a list of recent commits, and the user that made the push.
This is an example of a push that contains one commit that changes 2 files (pom.xml) in folders iridium-common and iridium-magma.
{ "repository":{ "slug":"iridium-parent", "id":11, "name":"iridium-parent", "scmId":"git", "state":"AVAILABLE", "statusMessage":"Available", "forkable":true, "project":{ "key":"IR", "id":21, "name":"Iridium", "public":false, "type":"NORMAL", "isPersonal":false }, "public":false }, "refChanges":[ { "refId":"refs/heads/master", "fromHash":"2c847c4e9c2421d038fff26ba82bc859ae6ebe20", "toHash":"f259e9032cdeb1e28d073e8a79a1fd6f9587f233", "type":"UPDATE" } ], "changesets":{ "size":1, "limit":100, "isLastPage":true, "values":[ { "fromCommit":{ "id":"2c847c4e9c2421d038fff26ba82bc859ae6ebe20", "displayId":"2c847c4" }, "toCommit":{ "id":"f259e9032cdeb1e28d073e8a79a1fd6f9587f233", "displayId":"f259e90", "author":{ "name":"jhocman", "emailAddress":"jhocman@atlassian.com" }, "authorTimestamp":1374663446000, "message":"Updating poms ...", "parents":[ { "id":"2c847c4e9c2421d038fff26ba82bc859ae6ebe20", "displayId":"2c847c4" } ] }, "changes":{ "size":2, "limit":500, "isLastPage":true, "values":[ { "contentId":"2f259b79aa7e263f5829bb6e98096e7ec976d998", "path":{ "components":[ "iridium-common", "pom.xml" ], "parent":"iridium-common", "name":"pom.xml", "extension":"xml", "toString":"iridium-common/pom.xml" }, "executable":false, "percentUnchanged":-1, "type":"MODIFY", "nodeType":"FILE", "srcExecutable":false, "link":{ "url":"/projects/IR/repos/iridium-parent/commits/f259e9032cdeb1e28d073e8a79a1fd6f9587f233#iridium-common/pom.xml", "rel":"self" } }, { "contentId":"2f259b79aa7e263f5829bb6e98096e7ec976d998", "path":{ "components":[ "iridium-magma", "pom.xml" ], "parent":"iridium-magma", "name":"pom.xml", "extension":"xml", "toString":"iridium-magma/pom.xml" }, "executable":false, "percentUnchanged":-1, "type":"MODIFY", "nodeType":"FILE", "srcExecutable":false, "link":{ "url":"/projects/IR/repos/iridium-parent/commits/f259e9032cdeb1e28d073e8a79a1fd6f9587f233#iridium-magma/pom.xml", "rel":"self" } } ], "start":0, "filter":null }, "link":{ "url":"/projects/IR/repos/iridium-parent/commits/f259e9032cdeb1e28d073e8a79a1fd6f9587f233#iridium-magma/pom.xml", "rel":"self" } } ], "start":0, "filter":null } }
Some of the system-wide properties for the Webhook Plugin can be overridden in the Stash configuration file.
Property | Description |
plugin.com.atlassian.stash.plugin.hook.threadPoolCoreSize=2 | Core size of thread pool – the default number of concurrent hooks notifications. |
plugin.com.atlassian.stash.plugin.hook.threadPoolMaxSize=3 | Maximal size of thread pool – the maximum number of concurrent hooks notifications. |
plugin.com.atlassian.stash.plugin.hook.queueSize=1024 | The maximum size of the queue which holds queued requests that are yet to be sent. When this size is exceeded the oldest unsent message will be dropped and a warning message logged. |
plugin.com.atlassian.stash.plugin.hook.connectionTimeout=10000 | Connection timeout for hook request in MILLISECONDS. When the connection times out a warning message will be logged. |
plugin.com.atlassian.stash.plugin.hook.changesetsLimit=500 | Limit of maximum count of changesets that will be sent in the POST data for a single ref change. |
plugin.com.atlassian.stash.plugin.hook.changesLimit=100 | Limit of maximum count of changes for a single changeset in the POST data. |