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Pull requests in Stash provide the team with a quick and easy way to review changes made on a branch, discuss those changes, and make further modifications before the branch is merged back to master or your main development branch.
On this page:
When you are ready to start a discussion about your code changes, simply create a pull request.
To create a pull request:
After creating the pull request, you can modify it later by clicking Edit on the pull request page.
You will receive email notifications when your reviewers and other participants comment on the pull request, or commit changes to it.
The most important thing about a pull request is the discussion that it generates. To help you contribute to the discussion, Stash organises all the information about the pull request into 3 tabs. From a project repository page, click Pull Requests, then click on a particular pull request.
The Overview tab captures all of the team's activity on the pull request in one place, right from the initial creation, through to when it is finally merged (or declined), with all the comments, replies and commits that happen along the way.
You can add a comment on the Overview tab (above the activity), or reply to a previous comment. Use mentions to alert another Stash user to your comment, and use markdown to add formatting, for example headings or lists.
Diffs for Stash pull requests provide the following advantages:
The Commits tab lists all the commits that will get merged.
Participants can commit new changes to the branch. Stash auto-updates the Commits tab of the pull request, so you can see exactly which commits will be merged. Stash is smart about comments, moving them along when lines are added or removed. If a line with a comment gets removed, you can still view the comment in the activity, but Stash marks the diff as outdated to let you know that this piece of code has been changed in recent commits.
When Stash is integrated with JIRA you can see the related JIRA issues right in the pull request. You see either the JIRA issue key, when there is just one, or the number of related issues:
Click an issue key to see details of the issue, such as the description, status and assignee, without having to leave Stash:
Click View in JIRA to see the issue in JIRA. This allows reviewers to gain important insight into the task that is being worked on, by seeing the comments and attachments on the issue. This also gives access into JIRA, so you can easily keep issues updated.
Once you are ready to merge a pull request, and when the reviewers have approved it, simply click Merge at the top right of the pull request view. You can only merge a pull request if you have Contributor permission on the project.
Note that the workflow for your team may include merge checks. See Checks for merging pull requests.
In the 'Merge Pull Request' dialog, you can check Delete branch if you no longer need that branch in the repository. Stash checks on a few things before allowing the deletion – the branch being merged will not be deleted if:
Once accepted, the pull request is marked as merged on the Pull Requests tab.
You automatically get added as a watcher of a pull request when you perform an action related to the pull request, such as adding a comment. You can manually add yourself as a watcher by clicking the Watch button on the pull request screen.
You can always stop watching a pull request by clicking the link in the email notification, or the Unwatch button on the pull request screen. If you stop watching a pull request you will not automatically be added as a watcher again if you subsequently perform an action that would otherwise have added you.
Stash sends email notifications to watchers when certain events occur. See Notifications for details.
Action | You are added as a watcher |
You are added as a reviewer | |
You comment on a pull request | |
You reply to a comment | |
You push to the source branch | |
You approve the pull request |