Stash is now known as Bitbucket Server.
See the

Unknown macro: {spacejump}

of this page, or visit the Bitbucket Server documentation home page.

When creating a new repository, you can import code from an existing project into Stash. You can do this by first cloning the repository to your local system and then pushing to an empty Stash repository.

On this page:

Import an existing, unversioned code project to an empty repository

If you have code on your local machine that is not under source control, you can put it under source control and import it into Stash. To do this:

  1. Locally, change to the root directory of your existing source.
  2. Initialise the project by running the following commands in the terminal:

    git init
    git add --all
    git commit -m "Initial Commit"
  3. Log into Stash and create a new repository.
  4. Locate the clone URL at the top right (eg.:
  5. Push your files to the repository by running the following commands in the terminal (change the URL accordingly):

    git remote add origin
    git push -u origin master
  6. Done! Your repository is now available in Stash.

Import a Git project to an empty repository

You can import an existing repository into an empty project in Stash. When you do this, Stash maintains your commit history.

  1. Check out the repository from your existing Git host. Use the --mirror parameter to include all branches and tags:

    git clone --mirror
  2. Change the remote origin in your local repository to point to Stash (change the URL accordingly):

    git remote set-url origin
  3. Then push all branches to Stash:

    git push origin

Mirror an existing Git repository

You can mirror an existing repository into a repository hosted in Stash.

  1. Check out the repository from your existing Git host. Use the --mirror parameter to include all branches and tags:

    git clone --mirror
  2. Add Stash as another remote in your local repository:

    git remote add stash
  3. Then push all branches and tags to Stash

    git push --all stash
    git push --tags stash
  4. Using git fetch origin and the git push command listed in step 3 the repository in Stash can be updated with changes from the upstream repository.
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