Stash is now known as Bitbucket Server.
See the

Unknown macro: {spacejump}

of this page, or visit the Bitbucket Server documentation home page.

The auditing component of Stash will log many different events that occur when Stash is being used. The events have been assigned priorities based on how important they are – these priorities can be used to control how much information is added to the audit log file. For example, if you have a server under high load and no need for auditing, you may wish to turn audit logging off by setting it to NONE - see the audit log config properties.

On this page:

Server level events

ApplicationConfigurationChangedEventThe server configuration has changed e.g. the display name or the base url.


BackupEventAudited at the beginning and the end of a system backup.HIGH
LicenseChangedEventThe server license has changed.HIGH
MailHostConfigurationChangedEventThe servers mail host has changed (used to send email notifications).HIGH
MigrationEventAudited at the beginning and the end of a database migration.HIGH
ServerEmailAddressChangedEventThe server email address has changed (used in email notifications).HIGH
TicketRejectedEventCertain resources (e.g. the Git processes) are throttled, when tickets are rejected (e.g. too many Git processes are in use) this event is fired.LOW

User management events

DirectoryCreatedEventOccurs when a new directory is created.HIGH
DirectoryDeletedEventOccurs when a new directory is deleted.HIGH
GroupCreatedEventOccurs when a new groupis created in the internal directory.HIGH
GroupUpdatedEventOccurs when a new group is updated (not when membership changes) in the internal directory.HIGH
GroupDeletedEventOccurs when a new group is deleted from the internal directory.HIGH
GroupMembershipCreatedEventOccurs when a user is added to a group in the internal directory.HIGH
GroupMembershipDeletedEventOccurs when a user is removed from a group in the internal directory.HIGH
UserAuthenticatedEventOccurs when a user is successfully authenticated (logged in).LOW

Occurs whenever a user fails to authenticate.

Note that this can occur frequently in Stash whenever a command line CLI is used as the initial URL provided to Stash contains a username but no password, which is rejected by Crowd.

UserCreatedEventOccurs when a user is created in the internal directory.HIGH
UserCredentialUpdatedEventOccurs when a user changes password in the internal directory.HIGH
UserDeletedEventOccurs when a user is deleted from the internal directory.HIGH
UserRenamedEventOccurs when the username of a user is changed in the internal directory.HIGH

Permission events

(info) in the table below indicates that the event is visible in the recent audit log screen for the project or repository.

GlobalPermissionGrantedEventOccurs when a user or group is granted a global permission (e.g. create project).HIGH
GlobalPermissionRevokedEventOccurs when a user or group has a global permission revoked.HIGH

Occurs when a user or group is granted a permission for a specific project. (info)


Occurs when a user or group has a permission for a specific project revoked. (info)


Occurs when a user or group has a permission for a specific repository altered. (info)


Children of this event are fired when a restricted ref is altered. (info)


Project events

(info) in the table below indicates that the event is visible in the recent audit log screen for the project.

ProjectAvatarUpdatedEventRaised when a project avatar has been successfully updated.LOW


Raised when a project is created. (info)

ProjectCreationRequestedEventRaised just before a project is created; can be cancelled.LOW

Raised when a project has been successfully updated (e.g. the project name). (info)

ProjectModificationRequestedEvent Raised just before a project is updated; can be cancelled.LOW
ProjectDeletedEvent Raised when a project is deleted.HIGH
ProjectDeletionRequestedEvent Raised just before a project is deleted; can be cancelled.LOW

Repository events

(info) in the table below indicates that the event is visible in the recent audit log screen for the project or repository.


Raised when a repository is accessed by a user.
Stash currently only fires this event selectively - when users hit a repository page.



Raised when a repository is created. (info)

RepositoryCreationFailedEventRaised when an attempt to create a repository fails.LOW
RepositoryCreationRequestedEventRaised just before a repository is created; can be cancelled.LOW

Raised when a repository is forked successfully. (info)

RepositoryForkFailedEventRaised when an attempt to fork a repository fails.LOW
RepositoryForkRequestedEventRaised just before a repository is forked; can be cancelled.LOW
RepositoryDefaultBranchModifiedEventRaised when the default branch of a repository is reconfigured (typically through repository settings).LOW

Raised when a repository is deleted. (info)

RepositoryDeletionRequestedEventRaised just before a repository is deleted; can be cancelled.LOW
RepositoryOtherReadEventRaised when the server uploads a pack file to the client via HTTP.LOW
RepositoryOtherWriteEventRaised when the server receives a pack file from the client via HTTP.LOW
RepositoryPullEventRaised when a Git client pulls from a repository (only when new content is sent to the client).LOW
RepositoryPushEventRaised when a Git client pushed to a repository.LOW

Pull request events

PullRequestEventFired at different points in the pull request lifecycle (declined, merged, opened, reopened, rescoped [code updated], updated, approved, unapproved, participants updated).LOW

Plugin events

See this plugin documentation for details of when these events below are triggered.

PluginDisabledEventOccurs when a plugin has been disabled, either by the system or a user.MEDIUM


Occurs when a plugin has been enabled, either by the system or a user.MEDIUM
PluginModuleDisabledEventOccurs when a plugin module has been disabled, either by the system or a user.MEDIUM
PluginModuleEnabledEventOccurs when a plugin module has been enabled, either by the system or a user.MEDIUM
PluginModuleUnavailableEventSignifies a plugin module is now unavailable outside the usual installation process.MEDIUM
PluginUninstalledEventOccurs when a plugin is explicitly uninstalled (as opposed to as part of an upgrade).MEDIUM
PluginUpgradedEventSignifies that a plugin has been upgraded at runtime.MEDIUM
PluginContainerUnavailableEventOccurs when the container of a plugin is being shutdown, usually as a result of the server being stopped.LOW
PluginModuleAvailableEventSignifies that a plugin module is now available outside the usual installation process.LOW
PluginFrameworkStartedEventSignifies that the plugin framework has been started and initialized.LOW


SSH key events

(info) in the table below indicates that the event is visible in the recent audit log screen for the project or repository.


Occurs when:

  • an SSH key is added for a user, or
  • an access key is added to a project or repository and the key has not yet been used on any other projects or repositories.

Occurs when:

  • an SSH key is removed from a user, or
  • an access key is removed from a project or repository and it is no longer being used by any other projects or repositories.
SshKeyAccessGrantedEventOccurs when an access key is given access to a project or repository. (info)HIGH
SshKeyAccessRevokedEventOccurs when an access key is removed from a project or repository. (info)HIGH
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