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By default, Stash uses Markdown as its markup language. You can use markdown in the following places:
Use Control-Shift-P or Command-Shift-P to preview your markdown.
The page below contains examples of Markdown syntax. For a full list of all the Markdown syntax, consult the official documentation on John Gruber's Daring Fireball site.
# This is an H1 ## This is an H2 ###### This is an H6
Each paragraph begins on a new line. Simply press <return> for a new line. For example, like this. You'll need an empty line between a paragraph and any following markdown construct, such as an ordered or unordered list, for that to be rendered. Like this: * Item 1 * Item 2
*Italic characters* _Italic characters_ **bold characters** __bold characters__ ~~strikethrough text~~
* Item 1 * Item 2 * Item 3 * Item 3a * Item 3b * Item 3c
1. Step 1 2. Step 2 3. Step 3 a. Step 3a b. Step 3b c. Step 3c
1. Step 1 2. Step 2 3. Step 3 * Item 3a * Item 3b * Item 3c
Introducing my quote: > Neque porro quisquam est qui > dolorem ipsum quia dolor sit amet, > consectetur, adipisci velit...
Use the backtick to refer to a `function()`. There is a literal ``backtick (`)`` here.
Indent every line of the block by at least 4 spaces or 1 tab. This is a normal paragraph: This is a code block. With multiple lines. Alternatively, you can use 3 backtick quote marks before and after the block, like this: ``` This is a code block ``` To add syntax highlighting to a code block, add the name of the language immediately after the backticks: ```javascript var oldUnload = window.onbeforeunload; window.onbeforeunload = function() { saveCoverage(); if (oldUnload) { return oldUnload.apply(this, arguments); } }; ```
Stash uses CodeMirror to apply syntax highlighting to the rendered markdown in comments, READMEs and pull request descriptions. All the common coding languages are supported, including C, C++, Java, Scala, Python and JavaScript. See Configuring syntax highlighting for file extensions.
Within a code block, ampersands (&) and angle brackets (< and >) are automatically converted into HTML entities.
This is [an example](http://www.slate.com/ "Title") inline link. [This link](http://example.net/) has no title attribute.
When you use JIRA issue keys (of the default format) in comments and pull request descriptions Stash automatically links them to the JIRA instance.
The default JIRA issue key format is two or more uppercase letters ([A-Z][A-Z]+
), followed by a hyphen and the issue number, for example STASH-123.
Inline image syntax looks like this:
For example:
...  ...
Reference image links look like this:
![Alt text][id]
where 'id' is the name of a previously defined image reference, using syntax similar to link references:
[id]: url/to/image.jpg "Optional title attribute"
For example:
... <--Collected image definitions--> [MockupA]: http://monosnap.com/image/bOcxxxxLGF.png "Screenshot of Feature A mockup" ... <!--Using an image reference--> ![Mockup for feature A][MockupA] ...
| Day | Meal | Price | | --------|---------|-------| | Monday | pasta | $6 | | Tuesday | chicken | $8 |
Certain characters can be escaped with a preceding backslash to preserve the literal display of a character instead of its special Markdown meaning. This applies to the following characters:
\ backslash
` backtick
* asterisk
_ underscore
{} curly braces
[] square brackets
() parentheses
# hash mark
> greater than
+ plus sign
- minus sign (hyphen)
. dot
! exclamation mark
If your repository contains a README
file at the root level, Stash displays its contents on the repository's Overview page if the file has the .md extension. With the correct file extension it will render Markdown when viewed from the file list of the repository.