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With upgrade mode enabled, you can now upgrade your first node.

Start with the least busy node

We recommend that you start upgrading the node with the least number of running tasks and active users. You can check this on the Rolling upgrades page.

Start by shutting down Confluence gracefully on the node:

  1. Access the node through a command line or SSH.

  2. Shut down Confluence gracefully on the node. To do this, run the stop script corresponding to your operating system and configuration. For example, if you installed Confluence as a service on Linux, run the following command:
    $ sudo /etc/init.d/confluence stop
    Learn more about graceful Confluence shutdowns
    A graceful shutdown allows the Confluence node to finish all of its tasks first before going offline. During shutdown, the node's status will be Terminating, and user requests sent to the node will be redirected by the load balancer to other Active nodes. 

    tip/resting Created with Sketch.

    For nodes running on Linux or Docker, you can also trigger a graceful shutdown through the kill command (this will send a SIGTERM signal directly to the Confluence process).

  3. Wait for the node to go offline. You can monitor its status on the Node status column of the Rolling upgrade page’s Cluster overview section. 

Last modified on Jun 9, 2021

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