Hide details and stack trace information in the error pages of your Confluence environment

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Platform Notice: Server and Data Center Only - This article only applies to Atlassian products on the server and data center platforms.


Some error pages can reveal information about the product version or other details in your browser, which may imply a security risk.
For example, a standard error page in Tomcat looks like this:

The following steps can help suppress almost all of the info from these kind of error messages.  


In most common infrastructures, there are three components that can allow these error messages to be exposed.


In what matters to our Confluence product itself, this security concern was addressed on version 7.13.5 under:  CONFSERVER-55306 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Confluence stack trace page will only be visible when Developer Mode is enabled.

Tomcat App Server

In Tomcat, the file server.xml needs to be edited, and a new ErrorReportValve needs to be added by following the steps below:

  1. Edit the file <install-directory>/conf/server.xml
  2. Search for the parameters <Host name=
  3. Just below that line, insert the following parameters: 

    <Valve className="org.apache.catalina.valves.ErrorReportValve" showReport="false" showServerInfo="false" />
  4. Restart application

  5. The Error page will look like follows now: 

The HTTP response code will not be affected by the above steps

Reverse Proxy/WebServer

You may have a Reverse Proxy/WebServer on front of your Confluence environment.

For example, in Apache WebServer you can use the directive ErrorDocument directive to detect these errors and redirect the users to a message or a different page without showing the actual error page. Additional information is available in Custom Error Responses.

Other reverse proxies may have different configurations. Check the proxy/webserver documentation or contact your provider for additional support.

Last modified on Jun 27, 2023

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