Getting error: "There was a problem loading the descriptor for module 'job' in plugin 'Team Calendars'", after upgrading Confluence

Platform notice: Server and Data Center only. This article only applies to Atlassian products on the Server and Data Center platforms.

Support for Server* products ended on February 15th 2024. If you are running a Server product, you can visit the Atlassian Server end of support announcement to review your migration options.

*Except Fisheye and Crucible



After a recent Confluence upgrade to Confluence 8+, the following error message is observed in the atlassian-confluence.log  file: 

2023-06-22 10:39:09,847 ERROR [UpmAsynchronousTaskManager:thread-3] [atlassian.plugin.parsers.XmlDescriptorParser] createModuleDescriptor 
There was a problem loading the descriptor for module 'job' in plugin 'Team Calendars'.
 Job module descriptors are no longer supported. Use JobConfig modules instead.
 -- url: /confluence/rest/plugins/1.0/ | userName: admin | referer: https://host:port/confluence/plugins/servlet/upm | traceId: efde33828d95d5eb
com.atlassian.plugin.PluginParseException: Job module descriptors are no longer supported. Use JobConfig modules instead.
        at com.atlassian.confluence.plugin.descriptor.JobModuleDescriptor.init(
        at com.atlassian.plugin.parsers.XmlDescriptorParser.createModuleDescriptor(
        at com.atlassian.plugin.osgi.factory.OsgiPluginXmlDescriptorParser.createModuleDescriptor(
2023-06-22 10:39:09,851 ERROR [UpmAsynchronousTaskManager:thread-3] [atlassian.plugin.parsers.XmlDescriptorParser] configurePlugin 
There were errors loading the plugin 'Team Calendars'. The plugin has been disabled.

Despite the message, there is no functional impact in Team Calendars. 


As announced in Confluence 7.11 Release Notes, Team Calendars for Confluence became a built-in feature for Confluence Data Center releases. Previous to this, it was needed to install Team Calendars as non-bundled plugin following the steps outlined in Install Team Calendars

If you installed Team Calendars in versions prior to Confluence 7.11, you will have a entry in the PLUGINDATA table that refers to the old JAR library file used by the Team Calendars non-bundled plugin. This entry may look like this: 

SELECT plugindataid, pluginkey, filename, lastmoddate 
FROM plugindata
WHERE pluginkey='';

Additionally, in the Confluence startup logs, you may notice that Team Calendars plugins is marked as installed on a specific date in the "Enabled Plugins" section: 

Enabled Plugins
Team Calendars (, Version: 8.0.7, Installed: Jun 22, 2023)

While the expected entry should explicitly specify that this plugin is "bundled": 

Team Calendars (, Version: 8.0.7, Installed: bundled)


In order to get ride of this error message, just follow these steps: 

  1. Stop Confluence
  2. Delete the entry in the PLUGINDATA table regarding the non-bundled plugin: 

    DELETE FROM plugindata
    WHERE pluginkey=''
    1. If you are using Oracle, ensure that you commit the change after running the above query.
  3. Start Confluence again

Removing the plugin entry from the database this way won't delete the information associated with them. It will just stop Confluence from loading them.

This means if you choose to re-install a plugin, the data it contains will still be present in the database (as that information is stored elsewhere).

Last modified on Mar 13, 2025

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