Updating Discovery to 3.2.0-Cloud/6.2.0

Updating to version 3.2.0

To update Discovery and Collector to version 3.2.0:

  1. Update Discovery and the Collector via the Update tab (starting from v3.1.11) or update manually.

  2. Update Discovery Agent to version 3.2.0

  3. Configure the Agent Token for communication after the update as detailed below.

Configure the Agent Token

  1. Run Discovery in settings mode (Discovery.exe -s)

  2. Navigate to the Service tab.

  3. In the Agent Token field, add a secure token or select Generate token and then select Save token.

  4. Copy the above token and navigate to the machine or node where the Agent is installed.

  5. Run the agent with -token parameter using one of the following methods:
    • Run Discovery_Agent.exe -token and paste the token you've copied earlier.
    • Run Discovery_Agent.exe -token <AGENT_TOKEN_VALUE> in a single command.
  6. Check the logs to verify that the token has been saved.

    C:\Program Files\Atlassian\Discovery Agent>Discovery_Agent.exe -token abe11ded-5270-4627-ac68-b98235f2f3fc
    New secure token has been saved
  7. The Agent service automatically restarts.

    Restarting Agent service...
    Agent service has been restarted successfully

Troubleshooting the update

You may see the following messages after you update to version 3.2.0.

Agent Token was not set for Discovery and you are trying to collect data from the agents of force scans
[Debug] Button Force_Agent_Scan clicked by user
[Normal] Error starting agent clients. Agent token was not set. Please configure agent token in oder to use agent scans.
Agent is running on version 3.2.0 or lower
[Normal] Agent <AGENT_IP>:51337 is incomaptible. Please update agent to the latest version.
[Debug] Stopping AgentClient to <AGENT_IP>:51337. Reason: Incompatible agent
[Debug] AgentClient to <AGENT_IP>:51337 connection state change to Disconnected
Agent Token was not set on agent or is different from what was specified in Discovery
[Debug] Client - Receive Message: HELLO | FromName: Discovery Agent Service | FromID: A4123 | FromRemoteEndPoint <AGENT_IP>:51337 | ObjSize: 532
[Debug] Client - Send Message: FORCE_SCAN | ToRemoteEndPoint: <AGENT_IP>:51337
[Debug] Client - Receive Message: BYE | FromName: Discovery Agent Service | FromID: A4123 | FromRemoteEndPoint <AGENT_IP>:51337 | ObjSize: 63
[Debug] Stopping AgentClient to <AGENT_IP>:51337. Reason: Failed to connect. Invalid secure token
Last modified on Jan 24, 2024

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