When you watch a page (or blog post), Confluence will send you an email notification whenever someone updates the page. To watch a page, you require 'View' permission for the page.

You will receive email notifications for:

  • page edits (unless the "Minor change" checkbox is ticked before saving)
  • page deletions
  • attachments (including new versions of an existing attachment or deletions of an existing attachment)
  • comments (including new comments, edits of existing comments or deletions of existing comments).

You will not receive email notifications for:

  • page content changes that are due to the output of a macro. For example: The output of the {children} macro will change if someone adds a child page. The page when displayed will show the new child page. But the page content itself has not been edited, so no notifications will be sent.

Managing Watches on the Page

To start watching a page or blog post,

  1. Go to the page.
  2. Click the Tools menu at the top of the page.
  3. Select the 'Watch Page' icon from the list. This will be replaced with the 'Stop Watching Page' icon .

To stop watching a page or blog post,

  1. Go to the page.
  2. Click the Tools menu at the top of the page.
  3. Select the 'Stop watching Page' icon from the list. This link will be replaced the 'Watch Page' icon .

Managing Watches via your User Profile

The 'Watches' page in your user profile displays a list of all pages and spaces you are currently watching.

To manage your watches,

  1. Go to the 'Watches' view for your user profile, as follows:

    • Log in to Confluence, if you have not already done so.
    • Go to your name at the top of the page.
    • A dropdown list will appear. Select 'Watches' from the dropdown list.
  2. Click the envelope icon next any unwanted watches to turn them off.

Example of an Email Notification

Here is an example of the email notification you will receive when a comment is added to a watched page:


Watching a Space
Subscribing to Email Notifications of Updates to Confluence Content
Tracking Updates to Confluence Pages and Spaces
Updating Email Address

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