JIRA 6.0.5 Release Notes

23 July 2013

The Atlassian JIRA team announces the release of JIRA 6.0.5. This point release contains several updates and fixes.

Upgrading to JIRA 6.0.5 is free to all customers with active JIRA software maintenance.

Don't have JIRA 6.0 yet?

Take a look at all the new features in the JIRA 6.0 Release Notes and see what you are missing out on!


  • Administrators can now configure the level of stemming applied when indexing JIRA (English only). Stemming is the process of reducing derived words to their root or stem form. This can be used to improve the relevance of search results, depending on the content in JIRA.
    See this issue: 
    JRA-33739 - Getting issue details... STATUS
    This also resolves this long-standing related issue with 75 votes!
    JRA-5567 - Getting issue details... STATUS
  • JQL searches of more than 2,000 characters now work correctly on all browsers. See this issue:
    JRA-31774 - Getting issue details... STATUS
    Please note however, that the JQL statement is part of the JIRA search page URL. Hence, a JQL statement may still be limited by the length of the URL allowed by the browser (e.g. 4,000 characters on Internet Explorer 8). See this issue:
    JRA-33848 - Getting issue details... STATUS
  • This release also contains a number of security fixes.

Upgrading from a previous version of JIRA

If you are upgrading, please read the JIRA 6.0.5 Upgrade Notes.

Updates and fixes in this release

JIRA 6.0.5 includes the following updates and bug fixes:

T Key Summary P Status

Last modified on Jul 24, 2013

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