How to Bulk Edit Groups in JIRA

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As in the Managing Groups documentation it is possible to edit group membership directly from the group rather than through the User Browser. There is a system limitation on the number of users you can add to a group at a time of 100, which limits the amount of users that can be edited at one time. It is possible to add more than 100 members into the group at once and they can be extracted from the database with SQL. This can be done with the below steps.

  1. Identify the User Directory the users belong to:

    SELECT id, directory_name FROM cwd_directory
  2. Select all the users from that directory:

    SELECT user_name FROM cwd_user where directory_id = <id from the previous query>
  3. Comma separate them then copy and paste into the User Box:
  4. Press the  button.

(info) Please see  JRA-12844 - Getting issue details... STATUS  for further information on the 100 user limitation.

Last modified on Jul 5, 2012

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