The Future of JIRA Agile

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In early 2012, we introduced the board that you see in JIRA Agile today. We built it to take advantage of the latest in web technology and provide you, the customer, with an awesome experience for planning, tracking and reporting on the progress of your Agile projects and teams.

This page describes the new board and our plans for the Classic boards in JIRA Agile.

On this page:

About the new board

One thing was absolutely clear in your feedback about Classic boards: your Agile project does not necessarily map to a single JIRA Project. For that reason, the new board addresses the most common feature request: support for multiple projects within JIRA Agile (GHS-1800). Not being folks to sit still, we also took the opportunity to introduce a new user experience with fewer page reloads and more useful URLs — users can have a URL for the displayed page (GHS-990).

The new board is extraordinarily flexible due to our use of the JIRA Query Language (JQL) — you can show many projects or one project, based on whatever filter criteria you choose.

Furthermore, the board has returned the Fix Version field back to its intended use case, showing which versions a bug or story can be found in. The board has resulted in a decoupling of Sprints from the Fix Version field ( GHS-945 ). The Fix Version field is now available for release planning via the Versions panel in Plan mode.

We also have a new ranking field, Global Rank, which provides better performance than the previous solution. For the first time, you can now rank issues across JIRA Projects. With the introduction of the Global Rank, JIRA and JIRA Agile no longer need to reindex all of the issues in each JIRA Project every evening (GHS-2727).

The plan

Our aim is to remove the Classic Boards functionality entirely in favor of the new board. We would like your feedback on whether there are issues that are making it difficult for you to migrate. Check the tickets that have already been raised in our issue tracker (View issues button below) and add your comments and votes to them. If there isn't a ticket for your issue, raise one using the Create an issue button below and add a classic-migration label to it.

We assess each issue that is raised, although we cannot commit to implementing all of them. Currently, we consider the following issues to be blockers and will fix them before removing the Classic Boards:

Migrating from Classic boards

We recommend that you migrate to the new board as soon as possible. The migration guide linked below will help you get a new board up and running. The guide also lists the main Classic board features and whether they are available via similar functionality in the new board.


Comments disabled for this page

We still want your feedback, however, we have decided to disable comments on this page in favour of issues in the JIRA Agile project on

Unlike other pages in our documentation, this page describes a decision to deprecate a feature (Classic Boards) in favour of a better feature (boards). As such, comments on this page are usually product feedback and are duplicated by tickets in the JIRA Agile project on . Using one channel for tracking feedback about this change allows us to respond to you in a more timely manner.

Use the buttons below to view issues related to this page, create a new issue or view the archive of old comments (PDF):

Add a classic-migration label to your issue after you create it




Last modified on Aug 14, 2014

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