This is the documentation for FishEye 3.9. View the latest version of

Unknown macro: {spacejump}

or visit the latest FishEye documentation home page.

This page lists the supported platforms for FishEye 3.9.x and its minor releases.

Key: (tick) = Supported  (warning) = Deprecated  (error) = Not Supported




Oracle JRE / JDK

(tick) 1.8
(error) 1.7

FishEye requires the Java Runtime (JDK or JRE), version as noted. Pre-release/Early access versions of Java are not supported.

We highly recommend that you use the Oracle JVM (or OpenJDK for Linux only). Other Java implementations have not been tested.

You can download an Oracle Java Runtime.

For the OpenJDK, download and install instructions for Linux flavours are at

Please note:

  • Once you have installed Java, you must set the JAVA_HOME environment variable. See Installing FishEye on Windows or Installing FishEye on Linux and Mac.
  • If you are using a 64-bit JVM, please ensure that you've set your max heap size (--Xmx) to a reasonable value, considering the RAM requirements of your system.
  • If you intend to run FishEye as a Windows Service, using the Java Service Wrapper, you should use the Java JDK rather than the JRE so as to take advantage of the -server parameter. If you're using the Windows Installer distribution, which handles the FishEye service differently, using the Java JRE should suffice.
  • You'll need the JDK for the JSP source download.
  • For OpenJDK, you'll need the DejaVu font package installed.  Installation instructions can be found here:

(error) Support for Java 7 was removed in FishEye 3.9, as previously announced.

OpenJDK(tick) 1.8 (Linux only)
Operating systems



Microsoft Windows


  • FishEye is a pure Java application and should run on any platform provided the requirements for the JRE or JDK are satisfied.

Although FishEye can be run in virtualised environments, Atlassian is not yet able to provide technical support for performance-related problems in a virtualised environment. If you do choose to run FishEye in a VM, please ensure that you choose a VM with good IO throughput.



Apple Mac OS X




HSQLDB(tick) Bundled; for evaluation use only

The FishEye built-in database, running HSQLDB, is somewhat susceptible to data loss during system crashes. We recommend that you do not use HSQLDB for production systems.

External databases (such as MySQL) are generally more resistant to data loss during a system crash.

See the FishEye Database documentation for further details.


(tick) MySQL Enterprise Server 5.1+
(tick) MySQL Community Server 5.1+

(error) MySQL 5.0

(error) MariaDB, Percona

For MySQL:

  • (error) For 5.1, versions earlier than 5.1.10 are not supported
  • (error) For 5.6, versions earlier than 5.6.11 are not supported
  • (error) For 5.7, versions earlier than 5.7.5 are not supported
  • (error) Support for MySQL 5.0 was removed in FishEye 3.3. See End of Support Announcements for FishEye.
  • (error) MariaDB and Percona variants of MySQL are not supported, and are known to cause issues when used with FishEye.

(error) Support for PostgreSQL 8.2 was removed in FishEye 3.3. See End of Support Announcements for FishEye.

(error) Support for SQL Server 2005 was removed in FishEye 3.3. See End of Support Announcements for FishEye.


(tick) 9.0, 9.1, 9.2, 9.3

(tick) 8.3, 8.4

(error) 8.2


(tick) 12c

(tick) 11g

SQL Server

(tick) 2012

(tick) 2008, 2008 R2

(error) 2005

Web browsers



Microsoft Internet Explorer

(tick) 10.0, 11.0
(error) 9.0

(error) Support for Internet Explorer 9 was removed in FishEye 3.9. See End of Support Announcements for FishEye.

Mozilla Firefox

(tick) Latest stable version supported
(error) 3.6, 4.0

(error) Support for Firefox 3.6 and 4.0 was removed in FishEye 3.7.


(tick) Latest stable version supported
(error) 4, 5

(error) Support for Safari 4 and 5 was removed in FishEye 3.7.


(tick) Latest stable version supported

Version control systems




(tick)  1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5, 1.6, 1.7, 1.8

(tick)  SVNKit (bundled & the default)

(tick) Native JavaHL 1.8
(tick)  Native JavaHL 1.7
(error)  Native JavaHL 1.6

(error) FishEye 3.1, and later, do not support the native JavaHL 1.6 client.

See Native support for SVN for discussion.


(tick) All versions



(tick) Client version 2007.3 or later

The Server must support the ztag tagged protocol.

(error) Perforce Streams, introduced in 2011.1, is not currently supported. See FE-3886 - Getting issue details... STATUS



(tick) 2.5.0

(tick) 2.4.6

(tick) 2.2.1, 2.2.2

(tick) 2.1.4

(tick) 2.0.5

(tick) 1.9.5



These are the versions of Git that we currently test FishEye against.

(error) Git is not supported. See STASH-4101 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Externally-hosted repositories only are supported.

[Security vulnerability CVE-2014-9390] affects multiple Git versions. FishEye itself is not affected, however you should update your clients to a patched maintenance version: v1.8.5.6, v1.9.5, v2.0.5, v2.1.4 and v2.2.1 or newer.


(tick) 3.0.2, 3.1.2, 3.2.4, 3.4.2, 3.5

(tick) 2.0.2, 2.1.2, 2.2.3, 2.3.2, 2.4, 2.5.2, 2.6.3, 2.7.2, 2.8.2, 2.9.1

(tick) 1.5.1, 1.5.4, 1.6.4, 1.7.5, 1.8.4, 1.9.3

These are the versions of Mecurial that we currently test FishEye against.

As of version 3.6.3, FishEye supports Mercurial 3.

(error) Mercurial 2.1 has a bug that makes it incompatible with FishEye. Please use Mercurial 2.1.1 or later.

You should restart FishEye after upgrading Mercurial.

Atlassian applications  

(tick) Crowd 2.4.x+

(tick) Crowd client library: 2.4.1

From version 2.8.x, FishEye bundles the Crowd 2.4.1 client library, and supports the Crowd 2.4.x server, and later versions.
JIRA(tick) JIRA 5.0+

FishEye to JIRA communication requires JIRA 5.0.x or later. Communication the other way, from JIRA to FishEye, depends on the JIRA FishEye Plugin.

Note that the JIRA FishEye Plugin is bundled with JIRA. If you are using a version of JIRA earlier than JIRA 5.0 you can upgrade the plugin in JIRA to get support for FishEye.

Hardware requirements

FishEye should ideally run on a dedicated server. The most important aspect for a large-repository deployment will be I/O speed. You definitely want a fast local HDD for FishEye's cache. Note that NFS and SAN are not supported.




1.8GHz or higher, a single core is sufficient. More cores or higher GHz will result in better load-handling ability.


1GB minimum, 2GB will provide performance "headroom". Your Java heap should be sized at 512MB with the FISHEYE_OPTS environment variable, adjustable up to 1024MB depending on performance.


FishEye's input/output is an important element of its overall performance. If FishEye accesses your repository remotely, make sure that the throughput is maximum and the latency minimum (ideally the servers are located in the same LAN, running at 100Mbps or faster).

MonitorMinimum screen resolution of 1024x768. Recommended screen resolution of 1280x768 or above.

While some of our customers run FishEye on SPARC-based hardware, Atlassian only officially supports FishEye running on x86 hardware and 64-bit derivatives of x86 hardware.

Disk space requirement estimates

Disk space requirements for FishEye may vary due to a number of variables such as the repository implementation, file sizes, content types, the size of diffs and comments being stored. The following table contains some real-world examples of FishEye disk space consumption.

Repository technology


Codebase size (HEAD of trunk)

FishEye index size



466 MB in 12151 files

647 MB



115 MB in 11433 files

220 MB

(warning) These disk space estimates are to be used as a guideline only. We recommend you monitor the disk space that your FishEye instance uses over time, as needs for your specific environment may vary. It may be necessary to allocate more space than indicated here. Additionally, you can reduce disk space consumption by turning off diff storage in FishEye.

Deployment notes for version control systems

Subversion (server)

FishEye can communicate with any repository running Subversion 1.1 or later.

Subversion (client)

FishEye now bundles the SVNkit client, which becomes the default Subversion interface. An alternative is to use the native subversion client, using JavaHL bindings. Please see Subversion Client Setup for more information.

Perforce (client)

FishEye needs access to the p4 client executable. Due to some problems with earlier versions of the client, we recommend version 2007.3 or later.


If you are using CVS, FishEye needs read-access to your CVS repository via the file system. It does not support protocols such as pserver at the moment.

Support for other version control systems is planned for future releases. Let us know what SCM system you would like to see supported by creating a JIRA issue or adding your vote to an issue, if the request already exists.

WAR deployment

FishEye/Crucible is a standalone Java program. It cannot be deployed to web application servers such as WebSphere, Weblogic or Tomcat.

Single sign on with Atlassian Crowd

From version 2.8.x, FishEye bundles the Crowd 2.4.1 client library, and supports the Crowd 2.4.x server, and later versions.