This is the documentation for Bamboo 5.8. View this page for the

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of Bamboo, or visit the latest Bamboo documentation.

A plan defines everything about your continuous integration build process in Bamboo.

To view information about a plan:

  1. Navigate to the desired plan, as follows:
    • If you are viewing the Dashboard, locate and click the plan's name in the list, or
    • If you are viewing a job or build result, click the plan name in the breadcrumb links at the top of the screen.
  2. Click a tab to view information about the plan:

Plan SummaryInformation about the plan, as shown in the diagram below.
BranchesThe branch plans for this plan.
Recent FailuresInformation about recent failures of the plan, including the builds that failed, links to the build results, time taken to fix, etc.
HistoryThe full history of builds of the plan.
TestsA summary of the 10 most frequently broken tests.
Quarantined TestsFailing test's results that have been disconnected from the build results.

View the JIRA issues linked to builds of your plan. (You will only see this if your administrator has integrated Bamboo with JIRA.)

Use the Actions menu to access functions for the plan, such as Disable Plan and Configure Plan. (This menu is only displayed if you are an administrator for the plan.)

Diagram: Plan Summary (annotated)

Plan - Annotated