This is the documentation for FishEye 3.5. View the latest version of

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Advanced Features

FishEye will allow you to learn more about your code beyond just reading the source. Produce useful reports and charts, integrate with other systems, and much more.

Reports and Charts

Embedded Charts

Throughout the user interface, there are visualisations to help you view the activity in this area. The ubiquitous chart in FishEye plots net lines of code (that's just lines not NLOC for those who are interested) on the top and commit volume (the number of files committed) on the bottom. Note that this chart is generated on the fly based on what you are looking at, from the root down to individual files. On the changelog page the green bar shows you the period that is covered by the changesets on the page you are viewing. Clicking on the chart takes you to that point in time in your changelog.

See the documentation for more.

Custom Charts

To start using the more complex charts, click on the Chart tab on the right of the header, or "jump to detailed chart" on any of the baby charts. There is a lot of really cool stuff in these charts.

Some things to try:

  • Find out who your biggest contributors are - select "Show by Author" as a Pie chart.
  • See what file types you have committed - select "Show by Extension" then select your user ID as in the Author field.
  • See who has been changing the most lines in the last month - clear your selections and select "Show by Author" and a date a month prior in the "Start Date" field. If you have a lot of source the chart will probably be flat. If so, change the chart type to "Change", this will zero the line count at the start date.
  • Compare your changes against another person - pick yourself and another author (hold the 'control' key to select multiple) in the author list. This isn't very useful but can be a bit of fun!

Note that the committer gets a line for each line they add or change. The previous owner of a modified or deleted line loses one. Currently any change, even whitespace, counts.

See the documentation for more.

Plugin Reports

You can create your own report as a plugin and have it appear in the menu, under the 'Source' tab, and the 'Reports' sub-tab. For example, the 'Code Metrics' option that appears in the user interface is actually a plugin, added in to FishEye. You can use this plugin as a basis to create your own custom reports and add them in to FishEye. See the FishEye developer documentation for more.

Leveraging CSV and the REST API

When you need to extract repository data for a report, you can export the results of FishEye searches to a CSV (comma-separated values) file which imports directly into spreadsheets and other office applications. Simply select the radio buttons at the bottom of the Simple Search dialog and the CSV file will be generated automatically, prompting you to save the file.

With its own API (Application Programming Interface), FishEye is extensible. If you need FishEye to do more than it ships with and you've got programming chops of your own, the API allows you to build extensions to the application to suit your needs. See the API documentation for more.


Integrate with other systems

Integrate with JIRA issue tracker

JIRA is Atlassian's issue tracking product - issues are part of software development for every team and can be tracked and managed in JIRA.

Linking your JIRA instance to FishEye adds a source tab to every JIRA issue and browse project screen.  Conversely, FishEye activity streams will show JIRA activity for linked projects and JIRA information is visible and linkable in FishEye source details.

View the documentation here.

Not using JIRA and still want to link FishEye to your issue tracker - it is possible using JIRA linkers. Learn more.

Integrate with your favorite IDE

The Atlassian Connector for Eclipse, IntelliJ, and Visual Studio links the FishEye web interface directly to your editor. One click and you can open a file in FishEye to get detailed information about the source you are looking at. Also, use the handy 'copy to clipboard' option to quickly share references to your file with others.

Instructions on the IDE Connector can be found here.


Advanced Features to Try

Advanced Configuration Options

The FishEye developers try and set sensible defaults so that everything "just works" in most situations. However, if you are a power user, there are lots of knobs to twiddle. Check out the documentation below to learn about the nitty gritty.

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