This is the documentation for Bamboo 5.8. View this page for the

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of Bamboo, or visit the latest Bamboo documentation.

The information on this page describes how to find important Bamboo directories and files.

On this page:

Bamboo server installation directory

When you installed your Bamboo server, you specified the location for the Bamboo installation directory — this is the directory where the Bamboo application files are installed. (The default location depends on your operating system: Windows, Unix/Linux, Solaris or Mac OS.)


This file tells Bamboo where to find the Bamboo home directory. The location of this directory is specified by the Bamboo administrator as described in the Bamboo installation guide.

See Configuring system properties.

bin/start-bamboo.shThis is the startup file for Bamboo under Unix/Linux, Solaris and Mac OS.
bin\start-bamboo.batThis is the startup file for the Bamboo under Windows.
scripts/TriggersThis directory contains operational scripts (used when configuring the repository to trigger a Bamboo build).
logs/*This directory contains logs unless you have used the Installer for Windows. (Note: The Bamboo server logs are written to the root of the installation directory. Build logs are stored in the <BambooHome>/xml-data/builds/ sub-directories.)
(warning) If you used the Installer for Windows, log files will be located at %USERPROFILE%\bamboo.log. For Bamboo running as a Windows service it can be found at %WINDIR%\System32\Config\systemprofile\bamboo.log.
atlassian-bamboo/WEB-INF/lib/This directory is used when deploying Bamboo add-ons. It also contains other libraries required by Bamboo.
atlassian-bamboo/WEB-INF/classes/log4j.propertiesThis is Bamboo's logging configuration file. Also the logging can be configured from the Bamboo UI by navigating to Administration -> Log Settings page, but the changes made on that page will be reverted by a Bamboo restart; however, changes made in the file will stay even if Bamboo gets restarted.



Bamboo server home directory

When you installed your Bamboo server, you specified the location for the Bamboo home directory — This is the directory where your Bamboo configuration data and build results are stored. (The default location depends on your operating system: Windows, Unix/Linux, Solaris or Mac OS.) This directory can grow quite large when managing large quantities of plans and builds.

artifacts/PLAN_KEY/shared/build-BUILD_NUMBER/This is a folder shared by all the stages of a certain plan. Stages will place Artifacts here so that other stages from the same plan can have access to them. The  BUILD_NUMBER will always have a minimum of 5 digits, having the number completed with zeros when necessary. For instance, for build "42" the number will be "00042".
bamboo.cfg.xmlThis is Bamboo's core configuration file. It includes the configuration information for connecting to Bamboo's database.
xml-data/This directory contains all files relating to source repositories and build results.
xml-data/build-dir/JOB_KEYThis is known as the Working Directory. This is where Bamboo temporarily puts the checked-out files it is building. The location of this directory can be changed as described in Specifying Bamboo's Working Directory.
xml-data/builds/This is known as the Build Directory. This is where Bamboo stores build results (note that they will be deleted as described in Configuring global expiry). Its contents can be backed up as per Exporting data for backup.
xml-data/builds/JOB_KEY/resultsContains the build results for all the builds belonging to the JOB_KEY plan. Each build result is an individual XML file. Do not edit these files or the corresponding information in the database may become corrupt.
xml-data/builds/JOB_KEY/download-dataContains the logs for each build belonging to the JOB_KEY plan.
xml-data/configuration/This is known as the Configuration Directory. It contains server-wide configuration information. Its contents can be backed up as per Exporting data for backup.

This directory contains Bamboo's embedded HSQL database. The database contains plan configurations and some build results data. This directory is not present if an external database is used instead of the embedded HSQL.

(info) HSQL is not recommended for production Bamboo instances.

index/This directory contains the build results index. Removing or modifying files in this directory may corrupt build history. Rebuilding the search index from Bamboo's global administration screen (see Reindexing data) will completely regenerate the contents of this directory.

This directory contains logs unless you have used the Installer for Windows. (Note: The Bamboo server logs are written to the root of the installation directory. Build logs are stored in the xml-data/builds/ sub-directories.)
(warning) If you used the Installer for Windows, log files will be located at %USERPROFILE%\bamboo.log. For Bamboo running as a Windows service it can be found at %WINDIR%\System32\Config\systemprofile\bamboo.log.

Bamboo agent home directory

When you installed your remote agents (if any), you specified the location for the Agent home directory — this is the directory where the agent's configuration data is stored. The default name of this directory is  bamboo-agent-home. (The default location depends on your operating system: Windows, Unix/Linux, Solaris or Mac OS.) This directory can grow quite large when managing large numbers of plans and builds. 

The contents of the agent home directory are:

bamboo-agent.cfg.xmlThis contains configuration information about this remote agent. Most notably, it stores the agent id, which gets generated the first time this agent connects to the Bamboo server.
xml-data/build-dir/This is where the agent will check out the files and perform builds (similar to the Bamboo server's xml-data/build-dir/ directory)