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Subscribing to Gadgets
If you have administrator privileges, you can configure your application to subscribe to gadgets from other Atlassian applications. This feature allows administrators to make all the gadgets from one application available in another application, without having to enable each gadget individually via the gadget URL.
To make use of this feature, you will need two or more applications that support the feature.
The gadgets included are those provided by the other application or via plugins installed into that application. They do not include external gadgets that the other application has added to its directory.
To subscribe to gadgets from another application,
- Go to the dashboard by clicking the 'Dashboard' link or the 'Home' link at the top left of the screen.
- The dashboard appears. Click 'Add Gadget'.
- The 'Add Gadget' screen appears, showing the list of gadgets in your directory. See the gadget directory screenshot below. Click 'Gadget Subscriptions'.
You will only see this button if you have administrator permissions for your dashboard, and if your application supports gadget subscriptions. - The 'Gadget Subscriptions' screen appears, showing the applications to which your application already subscribes. Click 'Add Subscription'.
- The 'Add Subscription' screen appears. See the screenshot below. Enter the base URL of the application you want to subscribe to. For example,
or http://example.com/confluence
. - Click 'Finished' to add the subscription.
Screenshot: Gadget directory with 'Gadget Subscriptions' button
Screenshot: Adding a gadget subscription

Example Scenarios
When would you use gadget subscription?
- For example, let's say you have a JIRA site that publishes some gadgets and a Confluence site that can display gadgets. The Confluence administrator would not need to add each gadget individually. Instead, your Confluence site could subscribe to JIRA's gadgets, making all your JIRA gadgets immediately available for inclusion on Confluence pages. The JIRA gadgets will show up in the Confluence macro browser, and Confluence users will be able to add the JIRA gadgets to their wiki pages.
- As another example, let's say that you have two Confluence sites. One is external, used by customers as well as your own employees. The other is internal, used by your employees only. Your internal Confluence site can subscribe to the gadgets from your external Confluence site, so that you can display information internally about the external site.
Gadgets and Dashboards User Guide
Gadgets and Dashboards Administration Guide