Jira Service Desk 4.2.x upgrade notes

Release notes for earlier versions of Jira Service Management

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Below are some important notes on upgrading to Jira Service Desk 4.2. For details on the new features and improvements in this release, see the Jira Service Desk 4.2 release notes.

As Jira Service Desk runs on the Jira platform, you should also view the Jira platform 8.2 upgrade notes.

 Summary of changes

Upgrade notes

Here's a summary of changes and important notes from Jira Service Desk 4.2.

The issue JRASERVER-69388 related to all Jira 8.2.x versions released so far has been fixed in Jira 8.2.4. Upgrading to Jira 8.2.4 will prevent the issue from affecting new data. However, the upgrade won’t fix the already existing problems. We are working on a solution for this as well.

If you're on version 8.1.x (or older) we recommend that you to upgrade to Jira 8.2.4.

Support for Java 11

Java 11 is now officially supported! For more details, see Supported platforms.

If you're using SQL Server as the database, note that we've updated the Microsoft JDBC driver bundled with Jira to version 7.2.1. This version is required to use Java 11.

Running Jira with Microsoft SQL Server 2017

You can now run Jira with Microsoft SQL Server 2017. For more info, see Connecting Jira to Microsoft SQL Server 2017.

End of support announcements

In Jira Service Desk 4.2, we're making the following changes:

  • Removing 32-bit installers. The 32-bit installers are no longer available to download. If you need to stick to 32-bit systems, you can still install Jira by using the zip/tar.gz archives, as described here.
  • Advance notice: End of support for several built-in importers. In Jira 8.4, we will drop support for built-in importers that are dedicated to specific applications, like Asana, Bugzilla, Pivotal Tracker, etc. You will still be able to import data to Jira, provided that you use the CSV or JSON format.

For more info, see End of support announcements.

App developers

See Preparing for Jira 8.2 for any important changes regarding apps.

Customer portal changes

We've made some look and feel changes to the help center and customer portal. This is the first round of improvements aimed at making the customer experience both simple and polished.

In order to do this, we've had to make some changes to the frontend codebase and this may impact third-party apps.

What's the potential impact?

There's two things to be aware of:

  • layout changes may impact how your app looks within the customer portal
  • the customer portal now loads routes asynchronously, which can impact previously available globals.

Click here to see full list of dependencies impacted...

Web-resource dependencies with side-effects that are impacted:


Web-resource dependencies that expose AMD-modules that are impacted:

jira.webresources:calendar (contains the following AMD-Modules): jira/libs/calendar, jira/libs/calendar-layerable-mixin
jira.webresources:jquery (contains the following AMD-Modules): jquery, jira/jquery/deferred
jira.webresources:jira-logger (contains the following AMD-Modules): jira/util/logger
jira.webresources:jira-formatter (contains the following AMD-Modules): jira/util/formatter
jira.webresources:wrm-context-path (contains the following AMD-Modules): wrm/context-path
jira.webresources:feature-flags (contains the following AMD-Modules): jira/featureflags/feature-manager
jira.webresources:jira-metadata (contains the following AMD-Modules): jira/util/data/meta, jira/util/data/meta/store, jira/util/strings
com.atlassian.auiplugin:dialog2 (contains the following AMD-Modules): aui/dialog2
com.atlassian.auiplugin:aui-flag (contains the following AMD-Modules): aui/flag
jira.webresources:aui-core-amd-shim (contains the following AMD-Modules): aui/dialog, aui/dropdown, aui/message, aui/params, aui/progressive-data-set, aui/popup, aui/tabs, aui/inline-dialog
jira.webresources:jira-analytics-amd (contains the following AMD-Modules): jira/analytics
jira.webresources:util (contains the following AMD-Modules): jira/legacy/meta, jira/ajs/ajax/ajax-util, jira/util/version, jira/data/parse-options-from-fieldset, jira/ajs/persistence, jira/xsrf, jira/ajs/default-custom-event
jira.webresources:jira-urlhelpers (contains the following AMD-Modules): jira/util/urls
com.atlassian.plugin.jslibs:marionette-1.4.1-factory (contains the following AMD-Modules): atlassian/libs/factories/marionette-1.4.1
com.atlassian.plugin.jslibs:brace-2014.09.03-factory (contains the following AMD-Modules): atlassian/libs/factories/brace-2014.09.03
com.atlassian.plugin.jslibs:skate-0.12.6 (contains the following AMD-Modules): atlassian/libs/skate-0.12.6
com.atlassian.plugin.jslibs:backbone-1.0.0-factory (contains the following AMD-Modules): atlassian/libs/factories/backbone-1.0.0
com.atlassian.plugin.jslibs:underscore-1.4.4 (contains the following AMD-Modules): atlassian/libs/underscore-1.4.4
com.atlassian.auiplugin:aui-form-validation (contains the following AMD-Modules): aui/form-validation, aui/form-validation/validator-register
com.atlassian.auiplugin:aui-inline-dialog2 (contains the following AMD-Modules): aui/inline-dialog2

If you use globals, for example AJS.dialog2, instead of require ('aui/dialog2'), it's a good time to make these changes.

What you need to do

In 4.2, your app might be impacted by these changes if no action is taken.

Steps to take:

  1. Check that the dependencies your app needs are specified in your web resources. When checking this, consider if these dependencies are necessary, or if they're negatively impacting load-time performance. You can use https://bitbucket.org/atlassianlabs/atlassian-webresource-webpack-plugin to help achieve this.
  2. Check that your app works 'as expected' within the new layout. When the service desk admin activates the new layout, the <body> element will contain the class custom-portal-layout-flag.

We'll be releasing an Early Access Program to give you time to test your changes before general release.

If you have a question

You can post any questions to this community page and we'll get back to you as soon as we can.

Upgrade procedure

See Upgrading Jira applications for complete upgrade procedures, including all available upgrade methods and pre-upgrade steps that are required for Jira Service Desk 4.2. For a more tailored upgrade, also check our Pre-upgrade planning tool that will recommend a version to upgrade to, run pre-upgrade checks, and provide you with a custom upgrade guide with step-by-step instructions.

Last modified on Mar 31, 2020

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