Configure a field configuration scheme
As a Jira administrator, you can more easily manage your field configurations by associating field configurations with work types within a field configuration scheme. You can then associate the field configuration scheme with a project.
To configure the layout of the Jira work item—which fields appear and the order they appear in—open a work item and choose Configure at the bottom-right. To find out more about configuring the layout of a work item, check out Configure field layout in the work item.
How to associate a work type with a field configuration
Select > Work items.
In the Fields section, click Field configuration schemes.
Find the field configuration scheme and click Configure.
Click Associate a work type with a field configuration and choose the work type and field configuration you would like to associate with this scheme.
Click Add.
A work type can only be associated with one field configuration within a field configuration scheme.
If you do not specify a work type association, the work type will automatically be associated with the default configuration within the field configuration scheme.
How to edit the field configuration associated with a work type
Select > Work items.
In the Fields section, click Field configuration schemes.
Find the field configuration scheme and click Configure.
Find the work type association you want to update and click Edit.
Select the new field configuration you would like to associate with this work type.
Click Update.
How to remove a work type association
Select > Work items.
In the Fields section, click Field configuration schemes.
Find the field configuration scheme and click Configure.
Find the work type association you want to remove and click Delete. Note that you cannot remove the default configuration from the scheme.
How to associate a field configuration scheme with a project
Once you have associated a field configuration with a work type within a field configuration scheme, you can associate the field configuration scheme with a project to apply your changes.
Go to your project and click Project settings.
Click Fields.
Click Actions > Use a different scheme.
Select the scheme you want to associate with this project.
Click Associate.
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