Excluding releases from your plan
On this page
Related content
- Committing plan changes
- Creating and deleting issues
- Removing releases
- Frequently asked questions (live plans)
- Creating and configuring cross-project releases
- Creating project-specific releases
- Creating and deleting plans
- Portfolio Plan is slow to interact with when loading many releases
- 3. Migrate classic plan data to a live plan
- Editing releases
This page discusses the usage of Advanced Roadmaps live plans. If you're using the redesigned planning interface, see this page instead.
Releases can be excluded to change the scope of your plan. Issues assigned to excluded releases will no longer appear in your plan.
Follow these steps to exclude an existing release from a plan:
- In your plan, click the Releases tab to display the releases section below the timeline.
Select the release you want to exclude.
If the release hasn't been committed to Jira, hover over the release, click more (
) > Delete.
This operation will permanently delete the release and any issue assigned to this release will be settled to "Calculate".
If the release is already committed to Jira, hover over the release, click more () > Exclude from plan.
If an issue is assigned to multiple different release in Jira and only one of them is excluded, the issue will be still be a part of your plan.
Related content
- Committing plan changes
- Creating and deleting issues
- Removing releases
- Frequently asked questions (live plans)
- Creating and configuring cross-project releases
- Creating project-specific releases
- Creating and deleting plans
- Portfolio Plan is slow to interact with when loading many releases
- 3. Migrate classic plan data to a live plan
- Editing releases