To use a math expression, you need to use {{#=}}
{{#=}}{{issue.Invoice Amount}} * 1.2{{/}}
Mathematical operators
Operator | Description | Example | Example result |
+ | Additive operator / Unary plus | 1 + 3 | 4 |
- | Subtraction operator / Unary minus | 4 - 3 | 1 |
* | Multiplication operator | 2 * 3 | 6 |
/ | Division operator | 6 / 4 | 1.5 |
% | Remainder operator (Modulo) | 5 % 3 | 2 |
^ | Power Operators | 2 ^ 3 | 8 |
Boolean operators
Boolean operators always result in a value of 1 or 0 (zero). Any non-zero value is treated as a true value. Boolean not is implemented by a function.
Operator | Description | Example | Example result |
= | Equals | 2 = 2 | 1 |
== | Equals | 2 == 1 | 0 |
!= | Not equals | 2 != 1 | 1 |
<> | Not equals | 2 <> 2 | 0 |
< | Less than | 1 < 2 | 1 |
<= | Less than or equal to | 1 <= 1 | 1 |
> | Greater than | 1 > 2 | 0 |
>= | Greater than or equal to | 1 >= 2 | 0 |
&& | Boolean and | 1 && 0 | 0 |
|| | Boolean or | 1 || 0 | 1 |
Functions names are case insensitive.
Function | Description |
NOT(expression) | Boolean negation, 1 (means true) if the expression is not zero |
IF(condition,value_if_true,value_if_false) | Returns one value if the condition evaluates to true or the other if it evaluates to false |
RANDOM() | Produces a random number between 0 and 1 |
MIN(e1,e2, ...) | Returns the smallest of the given expressions |
MAX(e1,e2, ...) | Returns the biggest of the given expressions |
ABS(expression) | Returns the absolute (non-negative) value of the expression |
ROUND(expression,precision) | Rounds a value to a certain number of digits, uses the current rounding mode; helpful with formatting numbers |
FLOOR(expression) | Rounds the value down to the nearest integer |
CEILING(expression) | Rounds the value up to the nearest integer |
LOG(expression) | Returns the natural logarithm (base e) of an expression |
LOG10(expression) | Returns the common logarithm (base 10) of an expression |
SQRT(expression) | Returns the square root of an expression |
SIN(expression) | Returns the trigonometric sine of an angle (in degrees) |
COS(expression) | Returns the trigonometric cosine of an angle (in degrees) |
TAN(expression) | Returns the trigonometric tangents of an angle (in degrees) |
ASIN(expression) | Returns the angle of asin (in degrees) |
ACOS(expression) | Returns the angle of acos (in degrees) |
ATAN(expression) | Returns the angle of atan (in degrees) |
SINH(expression) | Returns the hyperbolic sine of a value |
COSH(expression) | Returns the hyperbolic cosine of a value |
TANH(expression) | Returns the hyperbolic tangents of a value |
RAD(expression) | Converts an angle measured in degrees to an approximately equivalent angle measured in radians |
DEG(expression) | Converts an angle measured in radians to an approximately equivalent angle measured in degrees |
Constant | Description |
e | The value of e, exact to 70 digits |
PI | The value of PI, exact to 100 digits |
TRUE | The value one |
FALSE | The value zero |
NULL | The null value |
Last modified on Jun 21, 2022
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