Creating new user account

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Follow this process if you store the user's data in Bamboo. If the user data is stored in an external user directory like Crowd or LDAP, go to that directory to perform this action.

 Bamboo users can:

Depending on your organization's requirements, you can also configure Bamboo to grant access to non-users.

To create a Bamboo user:

  1. From the top navigation bar select cogwheel icon > Security Users.

  2. Select Create user.
  3. Complete the Add user form:

    Username can't be changed after the user is created.

    Full name
    User's full name.

    The address to which notifications will be sent.

    The user can easily change their password later.

    Instant Messaging address
    If no IM address is specified, Bamboo won't be able to recognize the user's context when interacting using IM.

  4. Select Save.

Last modified on Dec 14, 2021

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