Pod and ephemeral agent management

The Manage pods and ephemeral agents page lists all existing pods and ephemeral agents. You can use this page to view the total number of pods and ephemeral agents as well as more detailed information about each pod and ephemeral agent, including their statuses and logs.

The page also displays a log that displays messages about the current status of the communication between Bamboo and your Kubernetes cluster.

Here’s what this page looks like:

The page is divided into the following elements:

  1. Hide cluster communication log button

  2. Indicators displaying the total number of pods and the number of running pods

  3. Shut down all pods button — shut down and remove all of the listed pods at once

  4. List of all pods and ephemeral agents created by Bamboo — check the status of pods and ephemeral agents or remove each pod individually

  5. Cluster communication log — a generalized log of what’s happening between Bamboo and your Kubernetes cluster

Select one of the following pages to learn more about managing active pods and ephemeral agents:

Last modified on Sep 14, 2023

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