How to download another plan branch artifacts to the current plan

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When downloading an artifact from a different plan, Bamboo will use the plan branch Display Name to decide the branch from which the artifact is coming from.

  1. If the remote plan display name matches the display name of the current plan branch, Bamboo will get the artifact from that remote branch.
  2. If there is no remote plan branch matching the current plan branch display name, Bamboo will get the artifact from the default plan branch.

    tip/resting Created with Sketch.

    This decision is not affected by the source repository configured. It is strictly related to the plan branch display name.

 This article intends to give a solution for the case where there is no match in display name and you still want to get the artifact from a specific plan branch.


You need to manually create a remote plan branch with the same Display name (Plan configuration >> (branch) >> Branch details >> Display Name) of your current plan branch. Make sure you have the right source repository and branch you need to build the artifact.

Let's suppose the following scenario:

We have 3 plans, Product, Component 1 and Component 2.
The plan Product has the plan branches prod-XXX, prod-YYY and default
The plan Component 1 has the plan branches comp1-XXX and default
The plan Component 2 has the plan branches comp2-XXX and default

If we want to download the artifacts from comp1-XXX and comp2-XXX into the prod-YYY plan branch we will need to manually create plan branches with prod-YYY display name in the plans Component 1 and Component 2.

The following image will show the artifact download flow for this complete scenario.

  • The blue lines show the cases where the artifact will come from the default branch.
  • The red lines show the case when there is a match in display name (the solution created to download artifacts from comp1-XXX and comp2-XXX to prod-YYY).

We have the following feature request to improve the artifact download task to add the manual selection of remote artifact plan branch: BAM-16769 - Artifact downloader should allow for selection of arbitrary branch from selected plan.

Last modified on Jan 23, 2025

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