How to use a custom SSL certificate on the Bamboo ActiveMQ JMS service

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Platform notice: Server and Data Center only. This article only applies to Atlassian products on the Server and Data Center platforms.

Support for Server* products ended on February 15th 2024. If you are running a Server product, you can visit the Atlassian Server end of support announcement to review your migration options.

*Except Fisheye and Crucible


As an additional step to Securing your Remote Agents, you can optionally make use of a custom SSL certificate on the Bamboo ActiveMQ JMS service. 

This guide will walk you through the necessary steps to achieve it.

Bamboo will generate and use self-managed, self-signed certificates with its ActiveMQ JMS service. These certificates are distributed to the Remote agents automatically and are the recommended practice. To use a custom certificate, the automatic Keystore management must be disabled. In doing so the administrator will have to manage all the SSL settings on the Server and also on the Remote Agents.

It is assumed that your Bamboo Server is already secure and uses SSL to encrypt agent communication. If you have not configured Bamboo to use SSL please refer to this page before attempting any configuration from this article.


Request your SSL certificates

  1. Have your SSL certificate files and private keys ready. This article will not cover how to request the certificates from your CA.
  2. The examples will use a PEM format keypair as a source and will generate JKS format as an output.
  3. You will need to have certificates for your Bamboo Server and for any Remote Agents

Create a Java Keystore that will be used exclusively by the Bamboo Server

  1. Create a JKS Keystore file from a PEM keypair. Assign "bamboo" as the password to both Keystore and the private key

    This Keystore file can be shared with the one used by Tomcat

    $ openssl pkcs12 -export -in certificate.cer -inkey certificate.key -name bambooserver -out bambooserver.p12 -password pass:bamboo
    $ keytool -keypasswd -new bamboo -storepass bamboo -alias bambooserver -keystore bambooserver.p12
    $ keytool -importkeystore -deststorepass bamboo -srcstorepass bamboo -destkeystore bambooserver.jks -srckeystore bambooserver.p12 -srcstoretype PKCS12
  2. Copy the "bambooserver.jks" file to <bamboo-install>/conf
  3. Copy your Java truststore cacerts file to <bamboo-install>/conf. It is usually found on your JAVA_HOME/jre/lib/security (JDK8) or JAVA_HOME/lib/security (JDK11 and later)
  4. Add the following entries to your Bamboo system properties, usually on <bamboo-install>/bin/

    -Dbamboo.manage.jms.ssl=false \<bamboo-install>/conf/cacerts \<bamboo-install>/conf/bambooserver.jks \
  5. Add the following entry to your <bamboo-install>/conf/ (so no passwords are exposed on the OS process list)

    # Extra bamboo init properties
  6. Optional: Import your Remote Agent certificates into your Bamboo Server custom truststore.

    The truststore still uses the default 'changeit' password. You can modify it and assign a custom to the Bamboo system properties.

    This step is only necessary if your Remote Agent certificates Root CA or Intermediate CA are not already trusted by your Bamboo Server truststore. I.e. self-signed certificates.

    $ keytool -import -alias agent1 -storepass changeit -keystore <bamboo-install>/conf/cacerts -v -file agent1.pem
    $ keytool -import -alias agent2 -storepass changeit -keystore <bamboo-install>/conf/cacerts -v -file agent2.pem
    $ keytool -import -alias agent3 -storepass changeit -keystore <bamboo-install>/conf/cacerts -v -file agent3.pem
    $ keytool -import -alias agent4 -storepass changeit -keystore <bamboo-install>/conf/cacerts -v -file agent4.pem
  7. Restart Bamboo

Configure your Remote Agent to use a custom client certificate and to trust the Bamboo Server

  1. Create a JKS Keystore file from a PEM keypair. Assign "bamboo" as the password to both Keystore and the private key. Repeat the same steps from Create a Java Keystore that will be used exclusively by the Bamboo Server, replacing the Bamboo Server certificate with the Remote Agent's one.

  2. Copy the "agent1.jks" file to <bamboo-agent-home>/conf
  3. Copy your Java truststore cacerts file to <bamboo-agent-home>/conf. It is usually found on your JAVA_HOME/jre/lib/security (JDK8) or JAVA_HOME/lib/security (JDK11 and later)
  4. Add the following entries to <bamboo-agent-home>/wrapper.conf:<bamboo-agent-home>/conf/agent1.jks<bamboo-agent-home>/conf/cacerts
  5. Optional: Import your Remote Agent certificates into your Bamboo Server custom truststore

    This step is only necessary if your Bamboo Server certificate Root CA or Intermediate CA is not trusted by your Remote Agent truststore. I.e. self-signed certificates.

    $ keytool -import -alias bambooagent -storepass changeit -keystore <bamboo-install>/conf/cacerts -v -file bambooagent.pem
  6. If that is the first time you are installing the Remote Agent, make sure to create the jmsclient.ts truststore file containing the Bamboo Server SSL certificate:

    $ keytool -printcert -sslserver <bamboo_hostname>:443 -rfc > tempfile
    $ keytool -importcert -alias broker -storepass bamboo -storetype JKS -file tempfile -keystore <bamboo-agent-home>/configuration/jmsclient.ts
  7. Restart the Remote Agent

To ease the administration, you can optionally assign a wildcard/SAN certificate to your Bamboo Agents and use it on every agent. This will also simplify the management on the Bamboo Server side as it will only have to trust one certificate.

Last modified on Mar 19, 2024

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