Maven is missing from Capability Type when adding a Executable and Bamboo Specs Imports fails on MavenTaskProperties

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When attempting to add a Maven Executable Capability to Bamboo, there is no Maven option under Capability Type.

Bamboo Specs imports will also fail with an error similar to the below:

Don't know how to import task properties of type: com.atlassian.bamboo.specs.model.task.MavenTaskProperties


The Bamboo Maven plugin has likely been disabled or failed to initialise on the most recent Bamboo start-up due to a timeout (see Unable to compile soy template in plugin module for a similar issue with a different symptom)


  1. Bamboo Administration >> Manage apps (or add-ons)
  2. Change the dropdown from User-installed to All apps (or add-ons)
  3. Type Maven into the Filter visible apps field.
  4. Expand Atlassian Bamboo Maven Tasks Plugin
  5. Click the Enable button


When attempting to add a Maven Executable Capability to Bamboo, there is no Maven option under Capability Type and Specs Imports fails on MavenTaskProperties.

Last modified on Dec 30, 2019

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