Remote Desktop Connection password is not (yet) available on Bamboo EC2

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Platform Notice: Cloud - This article applies to Atlassian products on the cloud platform.


After starting an elastic instance the following message is displayed:

"Remote desktop connection password is not (yet) available. If password randomisation is enabled on this image, it should become available within 15 minutes of startup."

but after waiting more than 15 minutes the password is still unavailable.


  • Using Bamboo EC2: Default Image EBS x86_64 (windows)
  • The server log shows no exceptions


The key is missing on the bamboo-home/xml-data/configuration directory.


The AWS key pair that is needed for Bamboo to decrypt the RDC password is missing from the instance. Normally it's created automatically, but if the AWS credentials were used on another Bamboo instance it may not have.

It's normal to have no private key on Bamboo but it will be required for Bamboo to decrypt the RDC password.


Follow the steps on Obtaining AWS Key Pair to access Amazon Elastic Instances to recreate the keypair (unless you already have the key saved locally somewhere).

For adding the Key to a Cloud instance you'll have to upload the key to the WebDAV share and contact Support to add it for you on Bamboo

Last modified on Nov 2, 2018

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