Timeout has expired for waiting for tunnel to instance
The elastic agents are not coming up and the Bamboo server logs register the following log message:
Timeout has expired for waiting for tunnel to instance [i-HASH], terminating [Tunnel ##.##.##.##:1234 - (##.##.##.##:26224) -] Error: Connection refused
Make sure the tunnel port 26224 is open and accessible.
Troubleshooting steps:
Run the following from the Bamboo host:
telnet elastic-agent-ip-here 26224
nmap -p 26224 elastic-agent-ip-here
netstat -nat | grep LISTEN
- Are there any security settings in EC2 that may have blocked that port?
- Open the ports as needed depending on the output of the above.
- Contact the Atlassian Support sharing your findings if this issue persists.
Last modified on Nov 30, 2017
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