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For Windows...

To start Bitbucket Server from a command prompt, change directories to the <Bitbucket Server installation directory> and run:



To start Bitbucket Server to run as a service, start the application service from the services console.

For Linux...

To start Bitbucket Server from a terminal, change to the <Bitbucket Server installation directory> and run:

For starting Bitbucket Data Center...

For Bitbucket Data Center, Bitbucket Server and the remote Elasticsearch instance must be started separately. It is a requirement of the Bitbucket Data Center setup that you have only one remote Elasticsearch instance for your entire cluster, as described on Installing Bitbucket Data Center. The start-bitbucket.sh command starts both Bitbucket and Elasticsearch, and should not be used to start your Bitbucket Data Center application nodes.

When using a remote Elasticsearch instance, instead of the bundled Elasticsearch instance, start Bitbucket Server by running start-webapp.sh instead of start-bitbucket.sh.

To start Bitbucket Data Center

  1. Start each of your application nodes. From the <Bitbucket Server installation directory>, run this command for each node:

    For Windows



    For Linux

  2. Start your Elasticsearch node. From the <Bitbucket Server installation directory>, run this command:

    For Windows


    For Linux


Read the page Start and stop Bitbucket for more details.

Last modified on Jan 24, 2022

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