Set up Postman for bulk user management with organization API key

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Platform Notice: Cloud Only - This article only applies to Atlassian products on the cloud platform.

Download Postman

  1. Download Postman from

  2. Run Postman.

Create a new environment

  1. Click New, or type Ctrl + N (Windows/Linux) or Cmd + N (MacOS).

  2. Select “Environment”.

  3. Name the environment “Atlassian Cloud (with Org API key)”.

  4. Set up the following variables:

    VariableTypeInitial value and Current valueComments




    Replace yoursite with your subdomain, e.g. acmecorp




    Manage an organization with the admin APIs




    Provided at the same time as the organization API token

    Can otherwise be obtained from the relevant URL starting with

    Note that Postman variables are case-sensitive.

  5. Click Save towards the top right corner.

Create a new collection

  1. Click New, or type Ctrl + N (Windows/Linux) or Cmd + N (MacOS).

  2. Select “Collection”.

  3. Name the collection “Atlassian Cloud User Management (Org API key)”.

  4. Click the “Authorization” tab.
  5. Change Type to “Bearer Token”.

  6. Specify {{orgApiKey}} as the Token. The text should be coloured orange, indicating that Postman has recognized a variable has been specified. This can be confirmed by hovering over the variable name.

  7. Click the “Tests” tab.

  8. Enter:

    pm.test("Request successful", function () {

    This allows us to ensure all REST APIs have been made successfully.

  9. Click Save towards the top right corner.

Last modified on May 2, 2024

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