Modify Confluence Interface Text

All Confluence UI text is contained in a single Java properties file. This file can be modified to change the default text, and also to translate Confluence into languages other than English.

The UI text file is From your Confluence install directory:


Replace "x.x.x" with your Confluence version, for example for 4.3.2, it will be named "confluence-4.3.2.jar".
Within this File, the relevant file to edit is :\com\atlassian\confluence\core\

Refer to Editing jar files for reference.

The file contains parameters with name=value pairs, in the format: value

Parameter names are any text before the '=' character and should never be modified. Any text after the '=' character is the parameter value, which can be modified freely and can also contain variables. An example involving variables is:

popular.labels=The three most popular labels are {0}, {1} and {2}.

For more information on replacing values, check out Translating ConfluenceActionSupport Content. Note that plugins store their text internally, so you must modify plugin text individually.

Steps For Modification

  1. Stop Confluence
  2. Under your install directory, open \confluence\WEB-INF\lib\confluence-x.x.x.jar\com\atlassian\confluence\core\
  3. Search for the text you wish to modify, replace it and save the file in <Confluence-Install>\confluence\WEB-INF\classes\com\atlassian\confluence\core. Please create this folder structure, if it does not exist already.

    tip/resting Created with Sketch.

    If you re-bundle the JAR file, rather than re-deploy the class in the WEB-INF\classes directory, make sure to move the backup JAR file out of the /lib directory, or the backup may be deployed by mistake.

  4. Restart Confluence

Modify Keyboard Shortcuts

Confluence provides a set of keyboard shortcuts. You could customize the shortcuts by making modifications inside the file.

  • To disable a particular shortcut, you can simply just comment out a respective line of code. One may like to disable the shortcut to one of the navigation links: View, Edit, Attachments, Info . For instance, to disable shortcut to Attachmentsone would comment out the following line:

  • To modify an access key, one could simply just change the letter, bearing in mind the fact that the letter must be unique.
Last modified on Mar 31, 2023

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