After an upgrade, Profile Macros are disabled and can't be re-enabled

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After performing an upgrade, the Profile Macro is disabled and can not be enabled.  The following will appear in the add-ons page:

The following appears in the atlassian-confluence.log:

2013-12-10 16:12:41,289 WARN [ajp-8109-4] [atlassian.plugin.webresource.DefaultResourceDependencyResolver] resolveDependencies Cannot include disabled web resource module: confluence.macros.profile:profile-macro-styles


Please run the following query on your Confluence database:

select BANDANAVALUE from BANDANA where BANDANAKEY = 'plugin.manager.state.Map';

If these results contain confluence.macros.profile with a boolean value of false, the resolution will apply


The confluence.macros.profile is set to a value of false.  It appears that this change happened during the upgrade, and a manual update is necessary to correct it.  This value must be set to True in order to enable the macro.


  1. Shutdown Confluence
  2. Perform a backup of the database
  3. Run the following query to update the "false" state to "true":

    UPDATE bandana SET BANDANAVALUE = '<insert new xml here>' WHERE BANDANAKEY = 'plugin.manager.state.Map';

    The XML would be the FULL XML that you get from the earlier query but replace the boolean of confluence.macros.profile to true instead of false

  4. Restart Confluence and check if the macro is enabled

Last modified on Mar 30, 2016

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