Clustered Confluence Remote API Session Expires After 30 Minutes

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This article applies to Confluence clustered 5.4 or earlier.


When using remote API scripts against a Confluence cluster, the session is expired after 30 minutes.

The following appears in the atlassian-confluence.log:

Remote error: com.atlassian.confluence.rpc.InvalidSessionException: User not authenticated or session expired. Call login() to open a new session


There is a token cache that is set to expire in 30 minutes by default.


  • Locate and open the following file in a text editor: <confluence_home>/config/confluence-coherence-cache-config-clustered.xml
  • Find the following section:

  • Edit the expiry-delay value as appropriate. Default is 1800 seconds (30 minutes).
Last modified on Mar 30, 2016

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