doGetOriginal warning messages appear in Confluence application logs
Platform notice: Server and Data Center only. This article only applies to Atlassian products on the Server and Data Center platforms.
Support for Server* products ended on February 15th 2024. If you are running a Server product, you can visit the Atlassian Server end of support announcement to review your migration options.
*Except Fisheye and Crucible
Warning messages appear in the application logs that indicate that certain users need to be recreated.
These warning messages can occur in a batch just after the start up of Confluence or on an isolated basis. In either case, the warning message will always mention that a certain user is missing and needs to be recreated.
Here's one example from a batch of these messages that might occur right after start up:
2020-11-11 07:24:10,850 WARN [Caesium-1-4] [metadata.impl.handler.UserHandler] doGetOriginal Could not construct User 'rwilson' as it is missing from the persistence. Recreate user in Confluence (then disable if necessary) to avoid reading this message again.
Depending on the number missing users and content objects, messages like this can number into the thousands. With sufficient volume, this messaging can cause Confluence to respond slowly during the first minutes after startup.
Alternatively, this kind of message can appear on a standalone instance as shown in the example below. Notice that this example includes the getOriginal message mentioned above plus a separate error that includes a stacktrace:
2020-10-10 00:25:09,988 WARN [http-nio-8090-exec-1564] [metadata.impl.handler.UserHandler] doGetOriginal Could not construct User 'arodgers' as it is missing from the persistence. Recreate user in Confluence (then disable if necessary) to avoid reading this message again.
-- url: /display/Myspace/My+Page| page: 7668352 | traceId: ec124f12191a0f3b | userName: | referer: | action: viewpage
2020-10-10 00:25:10,363 WARN [http-nio-8090-exec-1564] [support.core.impl.DefaultParameterAssistant] invoke Exception while processing an interceptor: Unable to interpret the value as a 'com.atlassian.confluence.core.ContentEntityObject'
-- url: /display/Myspace/My+Page | page: 7668352 | traceId: ec124f12191a0f3b | userName: | referer: | action: viewpage Unable to interpret the value as a 'com.atlassian.confluence.core.ContentEntityObject'
at com.sun.proxy.$Proxy3061.getParentPage(Unknown Source)
at net.customware.confluence.plugin.scaffolding.macro.list.AttachmentOptionsSource.<init>(
at net.customware.confluence.plugin.scaffolding.macro.list.AttachmentOptionsMacro.createOptionSource(
at net.customware.confluence.plugin.scaffolding.macro.list.AttachmentOptionsMacro.createOptionSource(
at net.customware.confluence.plugin.scaffolding.macro.list.AbstractOptionsMacro.getXHtml(
at net.customware.confluence.plugin.scaffolding.macro.list.AbstractOptionsMacro.execute(
Within the Confluence database, a record for the referenced user will not exist in the CWD_USER table, though there'll be a record in the USER_MAPPING table indicating that the user had created or updated content within Confluence.
As indicated by the stack trace above, these messages are being created by the ServiceRocket Scaffolding plugin. Seemingly, it's looking to validate a reference of a user with a particular object or content within Confluence. But then, when it can't find the user who is referenced within the Confluence instance, it publishes the warning message and requests that the missing user be recreated and then disabled (if applicable).
This problem has been known to occur when the plugin is in use and content is merged between instances with the users who created or modified that content not being present.
As indicated by the message, the way to prevent these messages from occurring is to recreate the usernames that are mentioned in the messages and then to disable them.