Getting 'Exception when Adding LDAP group' For User Authentication Only
Confluence is configured to use local groups, as described in Add LDAP Integration For User Authentication Only. LDAP users can login, but exceptions appear in the atlassian-confluence.log
2011-02-07 09:21:44,826 ERROR \[http-8081-1] \[bucket.user.DefaultUserAccessor] hasMembership Exception when retrieving LDAP group confluence-administrators (base DN: ou=atlassian,dc=admin,dc=atlassian,dc=com, filter: (&(cn=confluence-administrators)(objectClass=dummy)))
-- referer: http://localhost:8081/conf333/login.action?os_destination=%2Fdashboard.action | url: /conf333/dashboard.action | userName: Administrator
Confluence expects to retrieve a valid DN for baseGroupNamespace
but the DN is non existent.
Despite that Confluence is configured to have User Authentication only (see Add LDAP Integration For User Authentication Only), it still requires a valid baseGroupNamespace
On a separate note, because Confluence performs groups searches quite frequently it is important to configure the baseGroupNameSpace
to a valid DN without many child nodes (eg. an individual user DN). Failure to do so will drag Confluence performance.