Groups managed in Jira will not synch with Confluence

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When using Jira for user management, users synch with Confluence but groups do not.

The following appears in the atlassian-confluence.log:

2012-04-12 17:09:36,847 ERROR [scheduler_Worker-1] [] pollChanges Error occurred while refreshing the cache for directory [ 851969 ].
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: argument cannot be null or blank


Run the following SQL against the JIRA database, if any results are returned then you are experiencing this issue.

  • Prior to JIRA 4.3 

    SELECT * FROM GROUPBASE WHERE ((ID is null) OR (groupname is null));
  • JIRA 4.3 and above 

    SELECT * FROM cwd_group WHERE ((ID is null) OR (group_name is null) OR (lower_group_name is null) OR (group_name = '') OR (lower_group_name = ''));


There is a null entry in the JIRA GROUPBASE.


Run the follow SQL command to remove the NULL entries from the GROUPBASE table.

tip/resting Created with Sketch.

Create a backup of your database before running the following SQL command.

Prior to JIRA 4.3

DELETE FROM GROUPBASE WHERE ((ID is null) OR (groupname is null));

JIRA 4.3 and above

DELETE FROM cwd_group WHERE ((ID is null) OR (group_name is null) OR (lower_group_name is null) OR (group_name = '') OR (lower_group_name = ''));

Last modified on Nov 14, 2018

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