How to direct the 'Space Admin' link to go to 'Space Permissions' instead of 'Space Details'


For spaces that are very large, there's a Confluence bug that affects performance when a Space Administrator navigates to Browse > Space AdminCONFSERVER-21575 - Space Admin loads slowly for large spaces

The reason is that the Space Admin link defaults to the Space Details page, which among other things will allow the administrator to set the Space Homepage. the Homepage drop-down will try to populate with every single page in the space, resulting in an enormous performance hit for spaces that contain lots of pages.


 One workaround is to direct the Space Admin link to go to Space Permissions.

The below was written based on Confluence 3.5.x specifically. The files may look different if using other versions of Confluence.

  1. Locate <confluence_install>/confluence/WEB-INF/lib/confluence-x.x.x.jar on the Confluence server.
  2. Extract /plugins/space-tabs.xml from within the .jar file, and open it in a text editor.
  3. Locate the following portion:

    	<web-item key="space-administration" name="Admin Tab" section="" weight="70">
    		<label key="space.admin" />
    		<link linkId="space-admin-link">/spaces/editspace.action?key=$generalUtil.urlEncode($helper.spaceKey)</link>
            <condition class="com.atlassian.confluence.plugin.descriptor.web.conditions.HasSpaceCondition"/>
            <condition class="com.atlassian.confluence.plugin.descriptor.web.conditions.SpacePermissionCondition">
                <param name="permission">administer</param>
            <tooltip key="">
                <param name="param1">$</param>
  4. Change 'editspace.action' to 'spacepermissions.action', and save the modified XML file.
  5. Place this modified XML file in the following location, which overrides the default one from the .jar file: confluence_install/confluence/WEB-INF/classes/plugins/space-tabs.xml
  6. Restart Confluence
Last modified on Jan 22, 2025

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