How to find total pages & blogposts in each space and public facing spaces (anonymous access)?
- To find the total pages & blog post in each space
- To find which space is public-facing (anonymous access) and the total pages/blog posts in that space.
We can get these details after executing the below SQL in the Confluence-connected Database.
Total pages & blogpost in each space. Please run the below SQL in the Confluence-connected Database to get the desired results.
This doesn't include drafts or previous versions.
select s.SPACENAME,s.SPACEKEY,c.CONTENTTYPE, count(*) as Total from content c join spaces s on c.SPACEID=s.SPACEID where c.CONTENTTYPE in ("PAGE","BLOGPOST") AND c.PREVVER is NULL group by s.SPACENAME,c.CONTENTTYPE order by Total desc
Total pages & blogpost in each public-facing space (anonymous access), Please run the below SQL in the Confluence-connected Database to get the desired results.
This doesn't include pages/blogs that the permissions (viewing) are specifically restricted
select s.SPACENAME,s.SPACEKEY,c.CONTENTTYPE, count(*) as Total from content c join spaces s on c.SPACEID=s.SPACEID where c.CONTENTTYPE in ("PAGE","BLOGPOST") AND c.PREVVER is NULL AND s.SPACEKEY in (select s.SPACEKEY from spaces s join spacepermissions sp on s.SPACEID=sp.SPACEID where PERMTYPE="VIEWSPACE" AND PERMGROUPNAME is NULL AND PERMUSERNAME is NULL) group by s.SPACENAME,c.CONTENTTYPE ORDER by Total desc