How to reenable the new dashboard in Confluence 5.9 and 5.10

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After switching to the old dashboard by clicking the "Give Me The Old Dashboard" button, a user might want to reenable the new dashboard for various reasons.


Recommended Solution

  1. Direct the affected user to <base_url>/users/darkfeatures.action
  2. At the bottom should be an entry for simple.dashboard.disabled
  3. Direct the affected user to click Remove

Alternative Solution (to remove the entry on behalf of the user)

  1. Shutdown your Confluence
  2. Run the following query against your database (replace <user_name> with the affected user's username)

    delete from OS_PROPERTYENTRY 
    where STRING_VAL = 'simple.dashboard.disabled' 
    and ENTITY_NAME = CONCAT('USERPROPS-', (select user_key from user_mapping where username='<user_name>'));
  3. Start Confluence

Last modified on May 3, 2017

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