How to reenable the new dashboard in Confluence 5.9 and 5.10
After switching to the old dashboard by clicking the "Give Me The Old Dashboard" button, a user might want to reenable the new dashboard for various reasons.
Recommended Solution
- Direct the affected user to <base_url>/users/darkfeatures.action
- At the bottom should be an entry for
- Direct the affected user to click
Alternative Solution (to remove the entry on behalf of the user)
- Shutdown your Confluence
Run the following query against your database (replace <user_name> with the affected user's username)
delete from OS_PROPERTYENTRY where STRING_VAL = 'simple.dashboard.disabled' and ENTITY_NAME = CONCAT('USERPROPS-', (select user_key from user_mapping where username='<user_name>'));
- Start Confluence
Last modified on May 3, 2017
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