How to Revert from Clustering to Single Node

This article does not apply to Confluence Data Center, it only applies to Confluence clustered 5.4 or earlier. For Data Center please check Move to a non-clustered installation.

Disabling a Cluster

If reverting from a Clustered configuration, one solution is to back up the data, install a new stand-alone, and restore the data. This is the recommended approach. An alternative is:

  1. Download the standard (non-clustered) distribution from the Confluence Downloads
  2. Point to the existing confluence-home directory.
  3. Set in confluence.cfg.xml:
<property name="confluence.cluster">false</property>

To check to see if clustering has been disabled, look in the logs after the XML during startup. In your catalina.out, you have:

INFO [KB:main] [KB:confluence.cluster.tangosol.TangosolClusterManager] startCluster Bringing up cluster service

This line won't exist if you start it up with the config we gave above. That's how to test it.

Last modified on Feb 3, 2023

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