How to set system properties for Confluence running as a service on Windows

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When running Confluence as a service on Windows it does not recognize the system properties set in setenv.bat and instead loads them from Tomcat. These are instructions on how to modify these properties.


  1. Identify the name of the service that Confluence is installed as in Windows ( Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Services ):

    (info) In the above example, the SERVICENAME is: JIRA030908110721 (this is a JIRA screenshot, but the same applies to Confluence)
  2. Open the command window from Start >> Run >> type in 'cmd' >> Enter
  3. cd to the bin directory of your Confluence instance
  4. Type and run the following (change tomcat9w to whatever version you are using):

    tomcat9w //ES//<Your_Service_Name>
  5. Click on the Java tab to see the list of current start-up options:
    1. You can set Initial and the maximum memory allocation here via Initial/Maximum memory pool
    2. You can add System Properties to the Java Options field (one per line)
Last modified on Mar 21, 2024

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