Incorrect and Invalid Character Message

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The following warning is seen in the logs:

WARN [http-7070-Processor7] [atlassian.seraph.util.EncryptionUtils] getByteInRange Incorrect character in stream [
WARN [http-7070-Processor7] [atlassian.seraph.util.EncryptionUtils] getByteInRange Incorrect character in stream [
WARN [http-7070-Processor7] [atlassian.seraph.util.EncryptionUtils] getBytes Invalid character in byte stream Z
WARN [http-7070-Processor7] [atlassian.seraph.util.EncryptionUtils] getBytes Invalid character in byte stream Z


This is usually due to a change in the cookies saving format.


It is a WARNING message being displayed in the logs. They are harmless and safe to ignore.



Last modified on Mar 30, 2016

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