JIRA Macros and AppLink broken with MacroExecutionException error
Some JIRA Macros are not working properly (such as the JIRA List Macro and JIRA Chart Macro). Trying to re-create the Application Link between JIRA and Confluence will encounter some warnings shown in the logs.
The following error messages appear in the atlassian-confluence.log
2014-06-27 13:50:45,830 ERROR [http-bio-8090-exec-42] [[Standalone].[localhost].[/].[servlet-module-container-servlet]] log Servlet.service() for servlet [servlet-module-container-servlet] in context with path [] threw exception
at com.atlassian.confluence.plugins.jira.ImageGeneratorServlet.renderImageJiraChartMacro(ImageGeneratorServlet.java:132)
logStreamableError com.atlassian.confluence.macro.MacroExecutionException: java.io.IOException: Error on line 5: The element type "meta" must be terminated by the matching end-tag "</meta>".
The environments affected by this issue have the Announcer plugin in JIRA and/or Confluence is installed.
Announcer plugin version 2.0.2 and/or 2.0.3 has a bug which is reported in ANNOUNCE-89
Upgrade to Announcer plugin 2.1 or later.