Personal Space import fails with 'A personal space already exists for user ~'
Platform Notice: Cloud - This article applies to Atlassian products on the cloud platform.
Importing a Personal Space backup fails with the following error message:
A personal space already exists for user ~
Example screenshot:
Confluence Cloud
Confirm if a Personal Space already exists for the affected user.
This can be done by clicking on Spaces > View all spaces and finding the user's First and Last Name.
As an alternative, we can use the direct URL to the user's Personal Space:
- Copy the alphanumeric value from the error message (including the ~ symbol);
- Copy the following URL:
https://<DOMAIN> - Replace <DOMAIN> with your own domain's name;
- Replace the ~ symbol with the value copied from the Import screen;
- Hit Enter to navigate to the URL.
Example: https://<DOMAIN>
Confluence will prevent any Spaces to be imported if the Space Key matches an existing Space to avoid overwriting any data.
This is mentioned in Import a Confluence Cloud space:
The space importer does not overwrite existing spaces, so if your Confluence instance already has a space with the same space key as a space you are trying to import, Confluence will not be able to import that space.
Example: trying to import a Space named "Charlie of Atlassian" with a Space Key of 'CA' will be blocked if another Space already exists with a matching Space Key of 'CA', for instance "Customer Advocates".
The same logic applies to Personal Spaces, however the Space Key will be an alpha-numeric string that matches the UserID in this case.
Delete the user's Personal Space, then re-attempt to import the backup.
If the user doesn't have a Personal Space, the following message will be displayed:
We couldn't find what you're looking for
We looked everywhere, but it doesn't exist. It may have been deleted. Unless, of course, the URL has a typo in it ;)
Example screenshot:
In this case, importing the Personal Space from a backup should work just fine.
If the Personal Space was deleted but the Import is still failing, please open a Support ticket with us via .