Unable to Subscribe to iCloud Calendar by URL with Team Calendars for Confluence
When attempting to Subscribe by URL to iCloud Calendars with Team Calendars for Confluence, the provided iCloud URL fails to become subscribed with an Error message shown in the subscription dialogue.
Reproduction steps:
- Build an iCloud Calendar, share it publicly
- Gather the webcal URL from your iCloud service
- Go to Configure Team Calendars for Confluence, Subscribe by URL
- Try the URL: webcal://p29-calendarws.icloud.com/ca/subscribe/1/ylFkt2Busa4o9Y-5TIDGL1tXOsin82JyqCIun8t1amMo0PC97k4DZMZ84Ay3gB2w
- Try as an http URL : http://p29-calendarws.icloud.com/ca/subscribe/1/ylFkt2Busa4o9Y-5TIDGL1tXOsin82JyqCIun8t1amMo0PC97k4DZMZ84Ay3gB2w
- Try as an https URL : https://p29-calendarws.icloud.com/ca/subscribe/1/ylFkt2Busa4o9Y-5TIDGL1tXOsin82JyqCIun8t1amMo0PC97k4DZMZ84Ay3gB2w
- All attempts fail to connect to the URL with either the message: Unable to read specified Calendar or Specified calendar does not seem like iCalendar
iCloud has obfuscated the URL through a non-standard method of displaying the iCal URL as shown in the above example (faked). This method denies normal iCal URL subscription wherein the URL ends in *.ics like: https://www.google.com/calendar/ical/2rf3dgfhakd32j@group.calendar.google.com/public/basic.ics
This due to Apple obfuscating the actual full path of the host and location of the iCal Url of the iCloud calendar. This does work with Mail on a Mac, but does not work with any other known services without extensive work to de-obfuscate the URL.
An issue has been opened for this CONFSERVER-48725 - iCloud calendars for iCal URL not working If you are interested in this issue, please consider voting for it to be corrected.