Using the Jira application configuration tool

The Jira application configuration tool is an application that offers server-level Jira configuration through a convenient GUI. This tool allows you to do the following:

Before you begin

  • The Jira configuration tool requires a Java platform to be installed and configured on your operating system. If you need to install a Java platform to run this tool, we recommend using a Java platform supported by Jira — refer to Jira requirements for details.
  • If you have a console-only connection to your Jira server, you will need to perform these server-level configurations manually.
  • Whenever you configure or reconfigure Jira's server-level settings using this tool, Jira must be restarted so it can recognize these changes.

Starting the Jira configuration tool

To use the Jira configuration tool, you must set the JAVA_HOME environment variable. If it has not been set already, follow the instructions from Installing Java.

The Jira configuration tool can be run with a graphical user interface or via a command-line interface using the -c or --console argument. The following sections show the graphical user interface, but the functionality is the same regardless of the interface. 

Configuring the Jira home directory

Your Jira home directory allows you to set the folder that Jira uses to store its various data files.

  1. Open the Jira home tab.
  2. In the Jira home directory field, type the full file path into the text field, or select the Browse button to browse for the location of your Jira home directory.
  3. Click Save. Your changes are saved to the file located in the <jira-application-dir> subdirectory of your Jira application installation directory. For more information, see Setting your Jira home directory.

Configuring the database connection

To configure Jira's database connection by using the Jira configuration tool, follow the appropriate procedure for your database type

Configuring Jira's web server

You can also use the Jira configuration tool to configure Jira's webserver, specifically the TCP ports and the SSL configuration. To do it, follow the corresponding instructions: 

tip/resting Created with Sketch.

Known issue

When you're adding a new connection, like an SSL one, you'll need to manually add properties that handle special characters to the server.xml file. See this article for more detals.  

Tuning Jira's database connections

You can tune all the connections on the Advanced tab. For more information about the functionality of the Advanced tab, see Tuning database connections.

Last modified on May 25, 2022

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