Issue fields and statuses
Configuring issues
Related content
- Configuring projects
- Defining issue type field values
- Translating resolutions, priorities, statuses, and issue types
- Defining priority field values
- Configuring issues
- Managing custom fields
- Project screens, schemes and fields
- Defining status field values
- Associating issue types with projects
- Archiving an issue
These are the pieces that make up the issues you work on:
Issue fields
Field | Description |
Project | The parent project to which the issue belongs. |
Key | A unique identifier for this issue, in the example above: ANGRY-304. (The characters to the left of the hyphen represent the project to which this issue belongs.) |
Summary | A brief one-line summary of the issue. For example, "Red Angry Nerd is scary." |
Type | See below for a list of types. |
Status | The stage the issue is currently at in its lifecycle (workflow). See below for a list of statuses. |
Priority | The importance of the issue in relation to other issues. (See below for a list of priorities). |
Resolution | A record of the issue's resolution, if the issue has been resolved or closed. (See below for a list of resolutions). |
Affects Version(s) | Project version(s) for which the issue is (or was) manifesting. |
Fix Version(s) (if applicable) | Project version(s) in which the issue was (or will be) fixed. |
Component(s) (if applicable) | Project component(s) to which this issue relates. |
Labels (if applicable) | Labels to which this issue relates. |
Environment (if applicable) | The hardware or software environment to which the issue relates. |
Description | A detailed description of the issue. |
Links | A list of links to related issues. (Strikethrough text, |
Assignee | The person to whom the issue is currently assigned. Note that you cannot assign issues to a user group. |
Reporter | The person who entered the issue into the system. |
Votes | The number shown indicates how many votes this issue has. |
Watchers | number shown indicates how many people are watching this issue. |
Due (if applicable) | The date by which this issue is scheduled to be completed. |
Created | The time and date on which this issue was entered into Jira. |
Updated | The time and date on which this issue was last edited. |
Resolved | The time and date on which this issue was resolved. |
Estimate | The Original Estimate of the total amount of time required to resolve the issue, as estimated when the issue was created. |
Remaining | The Remaining Estimate, i.e. the current estimate of the remaining amount of time required to resolve the issue. |
Logged | The sum of the Time Spent from each of the individual work logs for this issue. |
Development * | If you use Bitbucket to manage your code repositories, you can create code branches in your code development tools directly from Jira issues. See Integrating with development tools for details. |
Agile * | Lets you view your issue on your Scrum or Kanban board. |
Service Desk ** | Lets you view request participants and view the equivalent request in the customer portal |
* Only available in Jira Software
projects, and only available to Jira Software users
** Only available in Jira Service Management projects, and only available to Jira Service Management users
Issue types
Your default issue types depend on what Jira application you have installed. We've listed all the default issue types for each application:
Type | Description |
Task | A task represents work that needs to be done. |
Sub-task | A sub-task is a piece of work that is required for a task. |
Type | Description |
Task | A task represents work that needs to be done. |
Sub-task | A sub-task is a piece of work that is required for a task. |
Story | A user story is the smallest unit of work that needs to be done. |
Bug | A bug is a problem which impairs or prevents the functions of a product. |
Epic | A big user story that needs to be broken down. |
Type | Description |
IT Help | Requesting help for IT related problems. |
Purchase | Requesting hardware or software. |
Change | Requesting a change in current IT profile. |
Fault | Reporting a fault. |
Access | Requesting additonal access. |
Issue priorities
An issue's priority indicates its relative importance. The default priorities are listed below; note that both the priorities and their meanings can be customized by your administrator to suit your organization.
Priority | Description |
Highest | Highest priority. Indicates that this issue takes precedence over all others. |
High | Indicates that this issue is causing a problem and requires urgent attention. |
Medium | Indicates that this issue has a significant impact. |
Low | Indicates that this issue has a relatively minor impact. |
Lowest | Lowest priority. |
Issue resolutions
An issue can be completed, or resolved, in many ways. An issue resolution is usually set when the status is changed. The default resolutions are listed below; note that your administrator may have customized these to suit your organization.
Resolution | Description |
Done | The work is completed. |
Won't do | The work will not be done. |
Duplicate | This work is being tracked elsewhere. |
Resolution | Description |
Done | The work is completed. |
Won't do | The work will not be done. |
Duplicate | This work is being tracked elsewhere. |
Cannot reproduce | The issue cannot be reproduced. |
Resolution | Description |
Done | The work is completed. |
Won't do | The work will not be done. |
Duplicate | This work is being tracked elsewhere. |
Note that once an issue has been resolved (that is, the issue's Resolution field is filled in), textual references to that issue will show the key in strikethrough text.
Related content
- Configuring projects
- Defining issue type field values
- Translating resolutions, priorities, statuses, and issue types
- Defining priority field values
- Configuring issues
- Managing custom fields
- Project screens, schemes and fields
- Defining status field values
- Associating issue types with projects
- Archiving an issue