Configuring miscellaneous settings for a job

For each job of a plan, you can optionally specify a number of miscellaneous settings including:

  • Build hanging detection
  • NCover output
  • Clover code coverage

To configure the miscellaneous settings for a job:

  1. Navigate to the desired job, as described in Configuring jobs.
  2. Edit the desired settings as follows:
    Override default hanging build detection

    Override the default build hanging detection settings. These settings determine when a build hung event is thrown (e.g. you can configure your notifications to trigger from this event).

    Build Time Multiplier — Calculate the 'Expected Build Time' for the build (i.e. 'Expected Build Time' = 'Build Time Multiplier' multiplied by 'Average Build Time'). 'Average Build Time' is calculated by using an average of previous build times.

    Log Quiet Time — The amount of time since Bamboo last recorded an entry in the build log for a build. The 'Expected Build Time' and 'Log Quiet Time' must both be exceeded for Bamboo to throw the build hung event.

    Build Queue Timeout — The amount of time that a build will wait in a build queue before an timeout event is thrown. Setting this value will override the global build queue timeout setting (see Configuring the build queue timeout event).

    NCover output will be produced
    Do not select this option. NCover is a code coverage tool that supports .NET projects.

    Use Clover to collect Code Coverage for this build
    Select this check box if:

    Automatically integrate Clover into this build

      • Generate a Clover Historical Report — shows the current coverage results compared with previous Clover code coverage reports.
      • Generate a JSON report — gives the Clover results in a format ready for embedding into applications or external report views.

    You will also need to insert a Clover license (evaluation licenses are available) into the field provided. See Enabling Clover for Bamboo.

    Clover is already integrated into this build and a clover.xml file will be produced
    Use this option when you already have Clover-for-Ant or Clover-for-Maven configured to generate a report.

      • Clover XML Location — specify where the Clover XML report is generated. Include the name of the directory, including path, relative to your job build's root directory, for example:  target/site/clover/clover.xml
  3. Select Save.
Last modified on Oct 6, 2021

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